Piqueras, José Antonio
Historical Slavery and Capitalism in Cuban Historiography Book Chapter
In: Tomich, Dale (Ed.): Slavery and Historical Capitalism during the Nineteenth Century, pp. 67-122, 2017.
Tags: capitalism, caribbean, cuba, historiography, latin america, slavery
title = {Historical Slavery and Capitalism in Cuban Historiography},
author = {José Antonio Piqueras},
editor = {Dale Tomich},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
booktitle = {Slavery and Historical Capitalism during the Nineteenth Century},
pages = { 67-122},
keywords = {capitalism, caribbean, cuba, historiography, latin america, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Rossi, Benedetta
Périodiser la fin de l’esclavage: Le droit colonial, la Société des Nations et la résistance des esclaves dans le Sahel nigérien, 1920-1930 Journal Article
In: Annales (Histoire, Sciences Sociales), vol. 72, iss. 4, pp. 983-1021, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, abolition, africa, slavery
title = {Périodiser la fin de l’esclavage: Le droit colonial, la Société des Nations et la résistance des esclaves dans le Sahel nigérien, 1920-1930},
author = {Benedetta Rossi},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Annales (Histoire, Sciences Sociales)},
volume = {72},
issue = {4},
pages = {983-1021},
abstract = {This article argues that legal abolition is not enough to end slavery: laws must be enforced to create conditions in which those most vulnerable will feel able to safely take action against slavers. It shows that emancipation in the West African Sahel was initially propelled in the 1920s by the establishment of international surveillance mechanisms with the power to (de-)legitimize colonial rule at a time when no one was actively seeking to end slavery in this region, in spite of slavery having been legally abolished since 1905. The first half of the paper focuses on the ambiguities of European abolitionism and the interconnections between the League of Nations, France, and French administrators on the ground. The second half of the paper develops a micro-analysis of slave resistance, showing how enslaved and trafficked young women took advantage of international anti-slavery to incriminate slaveholders.
keywords = {20th century, abolition, africa, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Seppel, Marten
Cameralist population policy and the problem of serfdom, 1680-1720 Book Chapter
In: Seppel, Marten; Tribe, Keith (Ed.): Cameralism in Practice: State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe, pp. 91-110, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, early modern history, economic and social policy, serfdom
title = {Cameralist population policy and the problem of serfdom, 1680-1720},
author = {Marten Seppel},
editor = {Marten Seppel and Keith Tribe},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
booktitle = {Cameralism in Practice: State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe},
pages = {91-110},
abstract = {The chapter argues that the demands to abolish serfdom in Central and Eastern Europe did not come up on the agenda only in the second half of the 18th century when the principles of enlightenment, liberalism and rationalism brought a new understanding of social order. The institution of serfdom became a problem for the absolutist states as early as the 1680s.
keywords = {central and eastern europe, early modern history, economic and social policy, serfdom},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Štofaník, Jakub
Medzi krížom a kladivom [Between Cross and Hammer] Book
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, belgium, central and eastern europe, christianity, czechia, religion
title = {Medzi krížom a kladivom [Between Cross and Hammer]},
author = {Jakub Štofaník},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
abstract = {The monograph examines the construction, development, transfer, and adaptation of Catholic social thought in the first half of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia and in Belgium. The study aims for a critical reflection on the secularization paradigm, which dominated the analysis of the history of the 19th and 20th centuries for a long time. The involvement of Social Catholicism among workers is in this regard seen as an arena where the relationship between religion and modern society can be fruitfully questioned.
keywords = {20th century, belgium, central and eastern europe, christianity, czechia, religion},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Sundevall, Fia
Military Education for Non-Military Purposes: Economic and Social Governing Projects Targeting Conscripts in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden Journal Article
In: History of Education Review, vol. 46, iss. 1, pp. 58-71, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, economic and social policy, education, military, scandinavia, social control, sweden
title = {Military Education for Non-Military Purposes: Economic and Social Governing Projects Targeting Conscripts in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden},
author = {Fia Sundevall},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {History of Education Review},
volume = {46},
issue = {1},
pages = {58-71},
abstract = {The article explores mandatory military service – a means to recruit and train male citizens for military labour through force – as a tool and arena for solving various social and economic problems such as mass unemployment, alcohol abuse, and elementary education deficiencies, as well as shortages of skilled personnel in particular branches of great importance for the nation’s economy.
keywords = {20th century, economic and social policy, education, military, scandinavia, social control, sweden},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Zimmermann, Susan
Equality of Women’s Economic Status? A Major Bone of Contention in the International Gender Politics Emerging During the Interwar Period Journal Article
In: The International History Review, vol. 41, iss. 1, pp. 200-227, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, feminism, gender, international organisations, labour movements
title = {Equality of Women’s Economic Status? A Major Bone of Contention in the International Gender Politics Emerging During the Interwar Period},
author = {Susan Zimmermann},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {The International History Review},
volume = {41},
issue = {1},
pages = {200-227},
abstract = {This study brings together the often disparate scholarship on the League of Nations and the ILO. It follows the interactions between the League, women internationalists, and the ILO, which evolved around the question of woman-specific labor legislation and the equality of women's status. These interactions resulted in a broadening mandate of international gender policies while deepening the institutional and legal distinction between women's ‘political and civil’ as opposed to their ‘economic’ status. The ILO insisted on certain forms of women-specific labor regulation as a means of conjoining progressive gender and class politics, and was anxious to ensure its competence in all matters concerning women's economic status. The gender equality doctrine gaining ground in the League was rooted in a liberal-feminist paradigm which rejected the association of gender politics with such class concerns, and indeed aimed to force back the ILO's politics of gender-specific international labor standards. As a result of the widening divide between the women's policies of the League and the ILO, the international networks of labor women reduced their engagement with women's activism at the League. The developments of the 1930s deepened the tension between liberal feminism and feminisms engaging with class inequalities, and would have problematic long-term consequences for international gender politics.
keywords = {20th century, feminism, gender, international organisations, labour movements},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Terra, Paulo Cruz
Trabalhadores escravizados e livres na legislação municipal (Rio de Janeiro, século XIX) Book Chapter
In: Pestana, Marco Marques; de Carvalho Costa, Rafael Maul; de Oliveira, Tiago Bernardon (Ed.): Subalternos em movimento: mobilização e enfrentamento à dominação no Brasil, pp. 95-208, 2017.
Tags: 19th century, brazil, slavery
title = {Trabalhadores escravizados e livres na legislação municipal (Rio de Janeiro, século XIX)},
author = {Paulo Cruz Terra},
editor = {Marco Marques Pestana and Rafael Maul de Carvalho Costa and Tiago Bernardon de Oliveira},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
booktitle = {Subalternos em movimento: mobilização e enfrentamento à dominação no Brasil},
pages = {95-208},
keywords = {19th century, brazil, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Uppenberg, Carolina
The servant institution during the Swedish agrarian revolution: the political economy of subservience Book Chapter
In: Whittle, Jane (Ed.): Servants in rural Europe 1400–1900, pp. 167–182, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, domestic service, early modern history, gender, service, sweden, work contracts
title = {The servant institution during the Swedish agrarian revolution: the political economy of subservience},
author = {Carolina Uppenberg},
editor = {Jane Whittle},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
booktitle = {Servants in rural Europe 1400–1900},
pages = {167–182},
abstract = {This article develops the gendered aspects of the various dimensions of the servant institution. It is shown that male and female servants had different levels of freedom in their labour contracts, and this is related to the later development of a feminized servant position.
keywords = {19th century, domestic service, early modern history, gender, service, sweden, work contracts},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm
Sjálfstætt fólk: Vistarband og íslenskt samfélag á 19. öld Book
Abstract | Tags: early modern history, iceland, scand, service, wage labour
title = {Sjálfstætt fólk: Vistarband og íslenskt samfélag á 19. öld},
author = {Vilhelm Vilhelmsson},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
abstract = {This book is a revised version of my doctoral thesis. It is a study of the dominant labour regime of compulsory service in nineteenth century Iceland, focusing particularly on non-compliance with coercive labour legislation and acts of everyday resistance by servants and illegal day labourers, using regional court archives and arbitration court proceedings to analyse everyday practices. It also discusses in detail the cultural role of life-cycle service and the master-servant relationship as well as dominant ideas of household discipline and social order in early modern Iceland.
keywords = {early modern history, iceland, scand, service, wage labour},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm
Ett normalt undantag? Tillfälligt arbete i lag och praktik i 1800-talets Island Journal Article
In: Arbetarhistoria , vol. 41, iss. 3-4, pp. 32-40, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: early modern history, iceland, scandinavia, wage labour
title = {Ett normalt undantag? Tillfälligt arbete i lag och praktik i 1800-talets Island},
author = {Vilhelm Vilhelmsson},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Arbetarhistoria },
volume = {41},
issue = {3-4},
pages = {32-40},
abstract = {This article discusses the ambiguous status and role of casual day labourers in nineteenth century Iceland and argues that masterless casual day labour was a “normal exception” in many localities, accepted as an economic necessity and cultural norm despite being illegal and frowned upon in public discourse. The article highlights the important distinction between normative prescription and everyday practice.},
keywords = {early modern history, iceland, scandinavia, wage labour},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Weber, Klaus
Die Gefängnisindustrie in den USA: Zur Verschränkung von Arbeits-, Wohlfahrts- und Strafregimen im Neoliberalismus [The prison industry in the USA: About the entanglement of regimes of work, welfare and punishment in neoliberalism] Journal Article
In: Kritische Justiz, vol. 50, iss. 2, pp. 187-194, 2017.
Tags: contemporary, convict labour, economic and social policy, neoliberalism, punishment, social control, united states
title = {Die Gefängnisindustrie in den USA: Zur Verschränkung von Arbeits-, Wohlfahrts- und Strafregimen im Neoliberalismus [The prison industry in the USA: About the entanglement of regimes of work, welfare and punishment in neoliberalism]},
author = {Klaus Weber},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
urldate = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Kritische Justiz},
volume = {50},
issue = {2},
pages = {187-194},
keywords = {contemporary, convict labour, economic and social policy, neoliberalism, punishment, social control, united states},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Chevaleyre, Claude
Under Pressure and out of Respect for Human Dignity: the 1910 Chinese Abolition Book Chapter
In: Cottias, Myriam; Rossignol, Marie-Jeanne (Ed.): Distant Ripples of The British Abolintionist Wave: Africa, Asia and the Americas, 2017.
Tags: 20th century, abolition, bonded labour, china, slavery
title = {Under Pressure and out of Respect for Human Dignity: the 1910 Chinese Abolition},
author = {Claude Chevaleyre},
editor = {Myriam Cottias and Marie-Jeanne Rossignol
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
booktitle = {Distant Ripples of The British Abolintionist Wave: Africa, Asia and the Americas},
keywords = {20th century, abolition, bonded labour, china, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Lindström, Jonas; Fiebranz, Rosemarie; Rydén, Göran
The Diversity of Work: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society Book Chapter
In: Ågren, Maria (Ed.): Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society, pp. 24-56, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: early modern history, europe, gender, historical semantics
title = {The Diversity of Work: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society},
author = {Jonas Lindström and Rosemarie Fiebranz and Göran Rydén
editor = {Maria Ågren },
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
booktitle = {Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society},
pages = {24-56},
abstract = {This chapter has three purposes. First, it provides a backdrop for the chapters to come by giving a concise account of Sweden approximately 1550 to 1800. Here, the main messages are diversity, regional and otherwise, and change over time. Second, the chapter focuses on the paradox that, while everybody in early modern society worked, it is surprisingly difficult to establish exactly what they did. Combining quantitative and qualitative evidence, the chapter endeavors to solve this problem. Third, it claims that multiple employment—that people performed many types of work at the same time—was widespread, that much work was unpaid, and that contrary to previous assumptions, both women’s and men’s work was intermittent, casual, and nonspecific. Apart from military tasks, women and men appeared in all categories of work.
keywords = {early modern history, europe, gender, historical semantics},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Pizzolato, Nico
The IWW in Turin: “Militant History,” Workers’ Struggle, and the Crisis of Fordism in 1970s Italy Journal Article
In: International Labor and Working Class History, vol. 91, pp. 109-126, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, fordism, italy, labour movements
title = {The IWW in Turin: “Militant History,” Workers’ Struggle, and the Crisis of Fordism in 1970s Italy},
author = {Nico Pizzolato},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {International Labor and Working Class History},
volume = {91},
pages = {109-126},
abstract = {This article analyses how in the 1970s a segment of Italian radical activists belonging to the tradition of operaismo (workerism) appropriated and interrogated the history of the International Workers of the World (IWW) using it as a tool of political intervention in the Italian context. Following the upheaval of the ‘Hot Autumn’, the IWW provided to the Italians an inspiring comparison with a militant labour organisation in times of changing composition of the working class and of transformation of the organisation of production. The importance of this political use of the past lies in the way it illuminates the particular context in which these activists operated. In the course of the 1970s, Italian radicals responded to the normalization of industrial relations by joining groups that endorsed a political line tinted with Leninism and advocated a revolution led by a vanguard of militants. This was in contrast to the tenets of shopfloor-centered strategy and grassroots and shopfloor participation typical of operaismo. The – eventually – failed attempt of the ‘militant historians’ to revive, through their distinctive interpretation of the IWW, that political tradition sheds light on the success of the backlash against shopfloor working class militancy at the end of the decade, when vanguard groups had become marginal in the factories and reformist unions lacked a political clout to oppose company restructuring and relocation. This article is based on articles, memoirs and interviews that are evidence of the politically-driven debate about the IWW among Italian radicals. It improves on the existing historiography of the Italian labour movement by resisting its teleological impulse to explain the backlash on the 1980s as an inevitable outcome. It also contributes to the burgeoning transnational labor historiography; it challenges methodological nationalism in the study of workers’ insurgency by charting the influence of US history far beyond its borders and across time, adopting a transnational approach that is, unusually, both geographical and a diachronic. This story tells us more about Italian history than it does about American history, but it is testimony to a far reaching influence of American history and to entanglements that crossed borders through the work of the activists, scholars, and translators who acted as transnational vehicles of ideas and political practices.
keywords = {20th century, fordism, italy, labour movements},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Pizzolato, Nico
A new revolutionary practice: operaisti and the 'refusal of work' in 1970's Italy Journal Article
In: Estudos Históricos, 2017.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, italy, labour movements, revolt and revolution
title = {A new revolutionary practice: operaisti and the 'refusal of work' in 1970's Italy},
author = {Nico Pizzolato},
year = {2017},
date = {2017-01-01},
journal = {Estudos Históricos},
abstract = {The social protest that engulfed Italy in the 1970s found a theoretical analysis in the work of the operaisti. Through a series of concepts, they outlined a new revolutionary practice that aimed to return to a more authentic reading of Marxism. This article focuses on the notion of 'refusal of work' and the ancillary concept of 'appropriation' and examines how these theoretical tools emerged out of radical protest in factories and were put forward by the operaisti as a central plank of a revolutionary strategy for the working class.
keywords = {20th century, italy, labour movements, revolt and revolution},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kučera, Rudolf
Rationed Life. Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914–1918 Book
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, bohemian lands, war, working class
title = {Rationed Life. Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914–1918},
author = {Rudolf Kučera},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-10-01},
abstract = {Far from the battlefront, hundreds of thousands of workers toiled in Bohemian factories over the course of World War I, and their lives were inescapably shaped by the conflict. In particular, they faced new and dramatic forms of material hardship that strained social ties and placed in sharp relief the most mundane aspects of daily life, such as when, what, and with whom to eat. The book reconstructs the experience of the Bohemian working class during the Great War through explorations of four basic spheres—food, labor, gender, and protest—that comprise a case study in early twentieth-century social history.
keywords = {20th century, bohemian lands, war, working class},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Batista, Anamarija (Ed.)
Crisis as Ideology Booklet
Abstract | Tags: art, cultural studies, philosophy
title = {Crisis as Ideology},
editor = {Anamarija Batista},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
urldate = {2016-01-01},
abstract = {In this exhibition we investigate and (de)construct the character of the crisis. It is an attempt to probe the ambiguous status quo. The artistic works address notions of social manipulation, discontinuity, and value creation along with historical and contemporary precedents, with the aim to transfer the crisis and its demons into concrete and tangible states of thought, to outfox them and transform them into spatial constructs.
month = {01},
keywords = {art, cultural studies, philosophy},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {booklet}
Bernet, Brigitta; Schiel, Juliane; Tanner, Jakob (Ed.)
Arbeit in der Erweiterung Collection
Abstract | Tags: colonialism, fordism, global labour history, historical anthropology, methodology
title = {Arbeit in der Erweiterung},
editor = {Brigitta Bernet and Juliane Schiel and Jakob Tanner},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
urldate = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {Historische Anthropologie},
volume = {24},
issue = {2},
abstract = {Heute ist das, was wir unter Arbeit verstehen, in Bewegung geraten. Die Lohnarbeit, die sich mit der Industrialisierung durchgesetzt hat, wird durch neue Formen des Arbeitens verdrängt. Zunehmend lösen sich die vertraglich abgesicherte "Normalarbeit" und deren betriebszentrierte Organisation auf. Eingespielte Definitionen von Arbeit werden porös - auch in der Geschichtswissenschaft. Fünf Fallstudien und drei methodisch-konzeptionelle Reflexionen lenken in diesem Heft den Blick auf die vielfältigen Formen und Deutungen von Arbeit jenseits des westlichen Industriebetriebs: "vormoderne" Organisationsformen, transnationale Verflechtungen, globale Produktionsregimes und koloniale Imaginarien.},
keywords = {colonialism, fordism, global labour history, historical anthropology, methodology},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Kaarsholm, Preben
Indian Ocean Networks and the Transmutations of Servitude: The Protector of Indian Immigrants and the Administration of Freed Slaves and Indentured Labourers in Durban in the 1870s Journal Article
In: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 42, iss. 3, pp. 443-461, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, africa, indian ocean, intendured labour, migration and mobility, slavery, South Africa
title = {Indian Ocean Networks and the Transmutations of Servitude: The Protector of Indian Immigrants and the Administration of Freed Slaves and Indentured Labourers in Durban in the 1870s},
author = {Preben Kaarsholm},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
urldate = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Southern African Studies},
volume = {42},
issue = {3},
pages = { 443-461},
abstract = {Focusing on Durban and its harbour, the article discusses the importation of different kinds oftransnational bonded labour into Natal in the last half of the 19th century, and examines theways in which Southern African and Indian Ocean histories were intertwined in the processesthat built the colonial state. The institution of the Protector of Indian Immigrants is highlightedas a central ingredient in state building, which served to give legitimacy in regulating the supplyof labour. The early history of the Protector’s work in the 1870s is given special attention asregards the introduction into Natal of freed slaves from the Indian Ocean coast, of indenturedlabourers from India, and of ‘Amatonga’ migrant workers from Mozambique. An 1877 murdercase is discussed, which led to the forced resignation of a Protector, as it threatened to underminethe respectability of the institution. The article shows the continuities that existed between formsof servitude from slavery and forced labour through the recruitment of ‘liberated Africans’ andindentured Indians to more recent types of migrant and voluntary wage labour.
keywords = {19th century, africa, indian ocean, intendured labour, migration and mobility, slavery, South Africa},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kuldova, Tereza
Luxury Indian Fashion: A Social Critique Book
Abstract | Tags: contemporary, ethnography, india, textile industry
title = {Luxury Indian Fashion: A Social Critique},
author = {Tereza Kuldova},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
abstract = {This unique ethnographic investigation examines the role that fashion plays in the production of the contemporary Indian luxury aesthetic. Tracking luxury Indian fashion from its production in village craft workshops via upmarket design studios to fashion soirées, Kuldova investigates the Indian luxury fashion market's dependence on the production of thousands of artisans all over India, revealing a complex system of hierarchies and exploitation.
In recent years, contemporary Indian design has dismissed the influence of the West and has focused on the opulent heritage luxury of the maharajas, Gulf monarchies and the Mughal Empire. Luxury Indian Fashion argues that the desire for a luxury aesthetic has become a significant force in the attempt to define contemporary Indian society. From the cultivation of erotic capital in businesswomen's dress to a discussion of masculinity and muscular neo-royals to staged designer funerals, Luxury Indian Fashion analyzes the production, consumption and aesthetics of luxury and power in India.},
keywords = {contemporary, ethnography, india, textile industry},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
In recent years, contemporary Indian design has dismissed the influence of the West and has focused on the opulent heritage luxury of the maharajas, Gulf monarchies and the Mughal Empire. Luxury Indian Fashion argues that the desire for a luxury aesthetic has become a significant force in the attempt to define contemporary Indian society. From the cultivation of erotic capital in businesswomen's dress to a discussion of masculinity and muscular neo-royals to staged designer funerals, Luxury Indian Fashion analyzes the production, consumption and aesthetics of luxury and power in India.
Kuldova, Tereza
Fatalist Luxuries: Of Inequality, Wasting and Anti-Work Ethic in India Journal Article
In: Cultural Politics, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 110-129, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: contemporary, ethnography, india, qualitative research, textile industry, work ethics
title = {Fatalist Luxuries: Of Inequality, Wasting and Anti-Work Ethic in India},
author = {Tereza Kuldova},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Cultural Politics},
volume = {12},
issue = {1},
pages = {110-129},
abstract = {This article, grounded in long-term ethnographic research among producers of contemporary luxurious embroideries and fashions in Lucknow, a North Indian city famous for its golden age as a powerful cultural center of opulence and excess, shows how anthropological knowledge can enrich current critical discussions of luxury and inequality. Since the 1990s, anthropology has seen a boom in consumption and material culture studies coterminous with the rise of identity politics and its celebration of diversity. In anthropological theory, as well, linking consumption to identity has stolen the limelight. In the process, questions of production, inequality, and reproduction of social structures have been overshadowed. Critical reappraisal of luxury in anthropological theory can paradoxically show us a way out of this identity trap, since luxury, unlike other consumer goods, demands that we think about inequality. Luxury also forces us to think beyond luxury brands, goods, and commodified experiences, pushing us toward more fundamental questions about what constitutes a good life, morality, and social order. The ethnographic case presented here, which reveals how structural violence can go hand-in-hand with paradoxical luxuries facilitated by fatalist attitudes, points to what such an anthropology of luxury might look like. In a village near Lucknow, women embroider luxury pieces for fashion ramps and celebrities, while being fed meritocratic dreams of individual progress and success by fashion designers and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) who try to convince them to work ever harder in the name of empowerment. But the women laugh at luxury goods, designers, and middle-class activists and, instead, insist on an antiwork ethic and a valorization of leisure—on wasting time over working; they prefer to “luxuriate” rather than indulge in luxury goods. However, this perception of luxury is connected to hierarchical inequality and a sense of social fatalism that has been reinvigorated through new experiences with competitive inequality, neoliberal pollution, and the false promises of meritocracy.},
keywords = {contemporary, ethnography, india, qualitative research, textile industry, work ethics},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Lindberg, Erik; Jacobsson, Benny; Ling, Sofia
The “Dark Side” of the Ubiquity of Work: Vulnerability and Destitution among the Elderly Book Chapter
In: Maria Ågren, (Ed.): Making a Living, Making a Difference. Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society,, pp. 159-176, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: care, early modern history, gender, service, sweden
title = {The “Dark Side” of the Ubiquity of Work: Vulnerability and Destitution among the Elderly},
author = {Erik Lindberg and Benny Jacobsson and Sofia Ling },
editor = {Maria Ågren,},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {Making a Living, Making a Difference. Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society,},
pages = {159-176},
abstract = {This article explores the possibilities for old people to contract for care. The findings in the article suggest that family and wider kin could offer a safety net, but only when there was something to share. It further suggests that people were only obliged to take care of their close relatives when there was a written contract specifying who was to provide care and on what terms. Poverty, ability to work, and age constrained the options for groups vulnerable to economic stress. Those with property or movables were in a much better bargaining position than those without, but even the smallest amount of wealth was used to contract for care. The situation for the landless poor, whether old or young, was difficult. The compulsory service statutes restricted their time-use and forced them to work under one-year contracts, with a ceiling on their wages. Although the implementation of these statutes probably varied between regions and from one period to another, they reduced the agency of the poor and their ability to manage their resources according to their own preferences.
keywords = {care, early modern history, gender, service, sweden},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Mendiola, Fernando
The role of unfree labour in capitalist development: Spain and its empire, 19th-21st centuries Journal Article
In: International Review of Social History , vol. 61, pp. 187-211, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, capitalism, contemporary, forced labour, spain
title = {The role of unfree labour in capitalist development: Spain and its empire, 19th-21st centuries},
author = {Fernando Mendiola},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {International Review of Social History },
volume = {61},
pages = {187-211},
abstract = {This article contributes to the debate on the persistence of forced labour within capitalist development. It focuses on Spain, which has been deeply rooted in the global economy, firstly as a colonial metropolis, and later as part of the European Union. In the first place, I analyse the different modalities of unfree labour. The article goes on to deal with the importance of the main economic reasons driving the demand for forced labour.
keywords = {19th century, 20th century, capitalism, contemporary, forced labour, spain},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Özkoray, Hayri Gökşin (Ed.)
Ma’cûncızâde Mustafa Efendi: Le Captif de Malte. Récit autobiographique d’un cadi ottoman Book
Tags: early modern history, ottoman empire
title = {Ma’cûncızâde Mustafa Efendi: Le Captif de Malte. Récit autobiographique d’un cadi ottoman},
editor = {Hayri Gökşin Özkoray},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
keywords = {early modern history, ottoman empire},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Piqueras, José Antonio
The Return to the casa de vivienda and the barracon: The Terms of Social Action in Slave Plantations Book Chapter
In: Tomich, Dale (Ed.): The Politics of the Second Slavery, pp. 83-111, 2016.
Tags: 19th century, latin america, slavery
title = {The Return to the casa de vivienda and the barracon: The Terms of Social Action in Slave Plantations},
author = {José Antonio Piqueras},
editor = {Dale Tomich},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {The Politics of the Second Slavery},
pages = {83-111},
keywords = {19th century, latin america, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
da Silva, Filipa Ribeiro
Political Changes and Shifts in Labour Relations in Mozambique, 1820s-1920s Journal Article
In: International Review of Social History, vol. 61, iss. 1, no. 1-21, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, mozambique, portugal
title = {Political Changes and Shifts in Labour Relations in Mozambique, 1820s-1920s},
author = {Filipa Ribeiro da Silva},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {International Review of Social History},
volume = {61},
number = {1-21},
issue = {1},
abstract = {This article examines the main changes in the policies of the Portuguese state in relation to Mozambique and its labour force during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, stemming from political changes within the Portuguese Empire (i.e. the independence of Brazil in 1821), the European political scene (i.e. the Berlin Conference, 1884–1885), and the Southern African context (i.e. the growing British, French, and German presence). By becoming a principle mobilizer and employer of labour power in the territory, an allocator of labour to neighbouring colonial states, and by granting private companies authority to play identical roles, the Portuguese state brought about important shifts in labour relations in Mozambique.
keywords = {19th century, 20th century, mozambique, portugal},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ristovska-Josifovska, Biljana
On the Road of One Migration of Macedonians Towards Bulgaria in the Late 19th Century Book Chapter
In: : A.I.E.S.E.E. (Macedonian National Committee, Macedonian Academy of Sciences; Arts), (Ed.): Tradition in Communication and in the Spiritual Culture of Southeast Europe (Law‚ Economics, Natural Sciences, Art, Literature, Language), pp. 221-242, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, macedonia, migration and mobility
title = {On the Road of One Migration of Macedonians Towards Bulgaria in the Late 19th Century},
author = {Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska},
editor = {: A.I.E.S.E.E. (Macedonian National Committee, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts)},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {Tradition in Communication and in the Spiritual Culture of Southeast Europe (Law‚ Economics, Natural Sciences, Art, Literature, Language)},
pages = {221-242},
abstract = {The study is on the migration of Macedonians from northeastern part of Macedonia towards the region Tuzluk in Bulgaria, in the late 19th century. The research covers the memories of descendants of the generations that originally populated the region, as well as the documentation concerning their resettlement.
keywords = {19th century, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, macedonia, migration and mobility},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Škobla, Daniel; Filčák, Richard
Infrastructure in Marginalised Roma Settlements: Towards a Typology of Unequal Outcomes of EU Funded Projects Journal Article
In: Sociológia, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 620-640, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, contemporary, labour markets, roma, slovakia, sociology
title = { Infrastructure in Marginalised Roma Settlements: Towards a Typology of Unequal Outcomes of EU Funded Projects},
author = {Daniel Škobla and Richard Filčák},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Sociológia},
volume = {48},
number = {6},
pages = {620-640},
abstract = {Although a substantial number of infrastructure projects funded from EU funds were implemented to address labour market participation and living conditions of Roma/Gypsy, the outcomes had been inconclusive. In this paper the authors suggest that significant factors affecting the outcomes of EU projects aimed at Roma/Gypsy are structural conditions, power asymmetries, and rooted social practices at the local level. Employing P. Bourdieu’s conceptual framework and building on extensive fieldwork in municipalities of eastern and southern Slovakia, the authors identify three types of project outcomes.
keywords = {central and eastern europe, contemporary, labour markets, roma, slovakia, sociology},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Sundevall, Fia (Ed.)
Fritt och ofritt arbete i Norden: nya perspektiv på Arbetarhistoria Collection
Abstract | Tags: denmark, iceland, longue duree, norw, scandinavia
title = {Fritt och ofritt arbete i Norden: nya perspektiv på Arbetarhistoria},
editor = {Fia Sundevall},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
journal = {Arbetarhistoria},
volume = {3-4},
abstract = {This special issue of the Swedish language journal “Arbetarhistoria” [Labour history] provides new perspectives on labour history in the Nordic Countries. It consists of four empirical articles exploring various fields and degrees of labour coercion in Denmark, Iceland and Norway between 1600 and 1900.
keywords = {denmark, iceland, longue duree, norw, scandinavia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Tărîță, Marius
The Policy of the Party’s Organization in the Lipcani District of the Moldavian SSR in 1944-1945 Book Chapter
In: Radu, Sorin; Budeancă, Cosmin (Ed.): Countryside and communism in Eastern Europe. Perceptions. Attitude. Propaganda, pp. 79-84, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, military, moldova
title = {The Policy of the Party’s Organization in the Lipcani District of the Moldavian SSR in 1944-1945},
author = {Marius Tărîță},
editor = {Sorin Radu and Cosmin Budeancă},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {Countryside and communism in Eastern Europe. Perceptions. Attitude. Propaganda},
pages = {79-84},
abstract = {This article reflects the archive info concerning the authorities attitude in a little district (0,5 square km) during the last year of war. During that year the power there was shared by military and functionaries of Communist Party branch. In fact the military abused of their tools in imposing the peasants to contribute with grains for so-called State reserve. In internal discussions the fails were explained (transferred) through rich peasant origin of schools staff. A number of young were recruited to the Army and sent to front. Others were used in agricultural activities. The authorities treated the inhabitants of the district as persons with duties in face of state and imposed the lack of any choice.
keywords = {20th century, military, moldova},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Tolino, Serena
The History of Prostitution in Egypt (1885-1949): From Regulation to Prohibition Book Chapter
In: Kurz, Susanne; Preckel, Claudia; Reichmuth, Stefan (Ed.): Muslim Bodies: Körper, Sexualität und Medizin in muslimischen Gesellschaften, pp. 131-154, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, egypt, gender, muslims, prostitution
title = {The History of Prostitution in Egypt (1885-1949): From Regulation to Prohibition},
author = {Serena Tolino},
editor = {Susanne Kurz and Claudia Preckel and Stefan Reichmuth},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {Muslim Bodies: Körper, Sexualität und Medizin in muslimischen Gesellschaften},
pages = {131-154},
abstract = {This article explores the legal path that prostitution underwent in Egypt, from regulation to abolition to prohibition. It represents a first mapping of laws related to sex work in Egypt, that will allow in the future to embed research on sex work into labour history.
keywords = {19th century, 20th century, egypt, gender, muslims, prostitution},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
van Rossum, Matthias; Kamp, Jeannette (Ed.)
Desertion in the Early Modern World: A Comparative History Collection
Abstract | Tags: early modern history, globalisation, runaways, slavery, social control
title = {Desertion in the Early Modern World: A Comparative History},
editor = {Matthias van Rossum and Jeannette Kamp},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
abstract = {Early modern globalization was built on a highly labour intensive infrastructure. This book looks at the millions of workers who were needed to operate the ships, ports, store houses, forts and factories crucial to local and global exchange. These sailors, soldiers, craftsmen and slaves were crucial to globalization but were also confronted with the process of globalization themselves. They were often migrants who worked, directly or indirectly, for trading companies, merchants and producers that tried to discipline and control their labour force.
keywords = {early modern history, globalisation, runaways, slavery, social control},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Weber, Klaus; Steffen, Anka
Spinning and Weaving for the Slave Trade: Proto-industry in Eighteenth-Century Silesia Book Chapter
In: Brahm, Felix; Rosenhaft, Eve (Ed.): Slavery Hinterland: Transatlantic Slavery and Continental Europe, 1680-1850, pp. 87-107, 2016.
Tags: atlanic, early modern history, germany, proto-industry, slavery, textile industry
title = {Spinning and Weaving for the Slave Trade: Proto-industry in Eighteenth-Century Silesia},
author = {Klaus Weber and Anka Steffen},
editor = {Felix Brahm and Eve Rosenhaft },
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
urldate = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {Slavery Hinterland: Transatlantic Slavery and Continental Europe, 1680-1850},
pages = {87-107},
keywords = {atlanic, early modern history, germany, proto-industry, slavery, textile industry},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Zammit, William
Kissing the Gallows: A Cultural History of Crime, Torture and Punishment in Malta Book
Abstract | Tags: early modern history, malta, punishment
title = {Kissing the Gallows: A Cultural History of Crime, Torture and Punishment in Malta},
author = {William Zammit},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
abstract = {The first-ever in-depth academic study of crime and retribution in Malta during the early modern period discusses the primary sources available on the subject, the nature of crime, the judicial system and the ritual of public punishment in the context of current European practices. The book also records hundreds of crime cases of various types and that were reported to Rome by the Inquisitors of Malta, this given their spectacular nature. The publication was the result of ten years research in the Archivio Apostolico Vaticano and a variety of other archives in Malta and abroad.
keywords = {early modern history, malta, punishment},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Živković, Predrag
Antropološka misao rizičnog društva [The Anthropological thought of a risky society] Book Chapter
In: Slobodan Vukićević, (Ed.): »Постсоциализм (Черногория-Россия 1990-2015)« Москва: МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова Социологический факультет / Институт социологии и психологии Филозофский факультет Черногории, pp. 333-376, 2016.
Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, contemporary, neoliberalism, post-socialism
title = {Antropološka misao rizičnog društva [The Anthropological thought of a risky society]},
author = {Predrag Živković},
editor = {Slobodan Vukićević,},
year = {2016},
date = {2016-01-01},
booktitle = {»Постсоциализм (Черногория-Россия 1990-2015)« Москва: МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова Социологический факультет / Институт социологии и психологии Филозофский факультет Черногории},
pages = {333-376},
abstract = {The “Anthropological thought of a risky society” is a chapter in the monograph “Postsocialism”, which followed the development of entrepreneurship in the post-socialist period of Montenegro and Russia. The study describes the anthropological dysfunctions of the two societies in the postmodern era, as well as the anemia of their institutions to resist all those anomalies that accompany societies in transition. It is primarily about imposed neoliberalization not only in the domain of economics, but also beyond.
keywords = {central and eastern europe, contemporary, neoliberalism, post-socialism},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Spicksley, Judith
Contested enslavement: the Portuguese in Angola and the problem of debt, c. 1600-1800 Journal Article
In: Itinerario , vol. 39, iss. 2, pp. 247-275, 2015.
Abstract | Tags: africa, angola, atlanic, debt, early modern history, slavery
title = {Contested enslavement: the Portuguese in Angola and the problem of debt, c. 1600-1800},
author = {Judith Spicksley},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-02},
urldate = {2015-01-02},
journal = {Itinerario },
volume = {39},
issue = {2},
pages = {247-275},
abstract = {This article explores the contested legitimacy of enslavement for debt in the context of the transatlantic slave trade.
keywords = {africa, angola, atlanic, debt, early modern history, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Achim, Viorel
Munca forţată în Transnistria: “Organizarea muncii” evreilor şi romilor, decembrie 1942 – martie 1944 [The Forced Labour in Transnistria: The “Labour Organization” for Jews and Roma, December 1942-March 1944] Book
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, jewish, roma, romania
title = {Munca forţată în Transnistria: “Organizarea muncii” evreilor şi romilor, decembrie 1942 – martie 1944 [The Forced Labour in Transnistria: The “Labour Organization” for Jews and Roma, December 1942-March 1944]},
author = {Viorel Achim},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
urldate = {2015-01-01},
abstract = {A large study on the forced labour performed by the Romanian Jews and Roma deported to Transnistria in the years 1941-1944. The study is focused on the “labour organization”, i.e. the way in which the forced labour was organizes and regulated. It details the legal and administrative measures taken by the Governorate of Transnistria and other deeds of the central administration of this territory, especially of the Labour Department.},
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, jewish, roma, romania},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Achim, Viorel
The Forced Labour of the Gypsies in Transnistria: The Regulation of December 1942 and the Reality on the Ground Book Chapter
In: Historical Yearbook XI-XII, pp. 209-224, 2015.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, fascism, forced labour, roma, romania
title = {The Forced Labour of the Gypsies in Transnistria: The Regulation of December 1942 and the Reality on the Ground},
author = {Viorel Achim},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
urldate = {2015-01-01},
booktitle = {Historical Yearbook XI-XII},
pages = {209-224},
abstract = {The article discusses the regulation of the status of Gypsies (Roma) deported to Transnistria made by the Decision no. 3149 of 18 December 1942 of the Government of Transnistria. This decision introduced a new labour regime for the deportees. The article explains the reasons behind this decision and the extent to which this decision, as well as several other acts adopted in this field in 1943, have been implemented.},
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, fascism, forced labour, roma, romania},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Casu, Igor
The Fate of Stalinist Victims in Soviet Moldavia After 1953: Amnesty, Pardon and the Long Road to Rehabilitation Book Chapter
In: McDermott, Kevin; Stibbe, Matthew (Ed.): De-Stalinising Eastern Europe: The Rehabilitation of Stalin’s Victims After 1953, pp. 186-203, 2015.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, socialism, soviet union
title = {The Fate of Stalinist Victims in Soviet Moldavia After 1953: Amnesty, Pardon and the Long Road to Rehabilitation},
author = {Igor Casu},
editor = {Kevin McDermott and Matthew Stibbe},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
urldate = {2015-01-01},
booktitle = {De-Stalinising Eastern Europe: The Rehabilitation of Stalin’s Victims After 1953},
pages = {186-203},
abstract = {The study refers to a long-neglected aspect of the post-Stalinist period in Soviet Moldavia, namely the fate of the people repressed before 1953 by being sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan with their whole families, including aged and ill members. Based on a large set of documents, including the former KGB in Chișinău, the study shows the limits of rehabilitation after 1953 up to the late 1970s- early 1980s and the perpetuation of discrimination to a certain extent to large social strata targeted indiscriminately by the Stalinist terror.
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, socialism, soviet union},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Latinović, Goran
Jugoslovensko-švedski odnosi (1941‒1945) [Yugoslav-Swedish relations] Journal Article
In: Istorija 20. veka [20th century history], vol. XXXIII, iss. 1, pp. 45‒60, 2015.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, forced labour, sweden, yugoslavia
title = {Jugoslovensko-švedski odnosi (1941‒1945) [Yugoslav-Swedish relations]},
author = {Goran Latinović},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
journal = {Istorija 20. veka [20th century history]},
volume = {XXXIII},
issue = {1},
pages = {45‒60},
abstract = {Despite the occupation and destruction of the Yugoslav state in April 1941, the Yugoslav Legation in Stockholm remained open and it continued its activities as one of the diplomatic missions of the Yugoslav Government in exile. Nazis interned 4,268 men from Yugoslavia on forced labour in Norway. They were forced to work on building roads in Northern Norway, in order to provide better conditions for supplying Nazi troops in Finland, as well as to build fortresses along the Norwegian coast. Around 2,400 of Yugoslavs lost their lives in Nazi camps in Norway during the forced labour, but some of them managed to flee in neutral Sweden. The influx of Yugoslavs from Norway to Sweden, influenced the Yugoslav-Swedish relations during the Second World War.
keywords = {20th century, forced labour, sweden, yugoslavia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ristovska-Josifovska, Biljana
Remembrance on the Migration Movements in Macedonia after the Russian-Ottoman War of 1877-1878 Journal Article
In: Balkanistic Forum, vol. XXIV, iss. 3, 2015.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, central and eastern europe, macedonia, migration and mobility, ottoman empire, russia
title = {Remembrance on the Migration Movements in Macedonia after the Russian-Ottoman War of 1877-1878},
author = {Biljana Ristovska-Josifovska},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
urldate = {2015-01-01},
journal = {Balkanistic Forum},
volume = {XXIV},
issue = {3},
abstract = {The events in Macedonia, associated with the end of the Russo-Ottoman War (1877-1878) and the unsuccessful liberation actions of the Macedonian people, created a complex political and economic situation, producing violence and exile. The paper focuses on the migrations as consequences, researching the reflection in various forms of stored memories and memorized history.
keywords = {19th century, central and eastern europe, macedonia, migration and mobility, ottoman empire, russia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Rossi, Benedetta
From Slavery to Aid: Politics, Labour, and Ecology in the Nigerien Sahel, 1800-2000 Book
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, africa, development
title = {From Slavery to Aid: Politics, Labour, and Ecology in the Nigerien Sahel, 1800-2000},
author = {Benedetta Rossi},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
abstract = {This book engages two major themes in African historiography, the slow death of slavery and the evolution of international development, and reveals their interrelation in the social history of the region of Ader in the Nigerien Sahel. It traces the historical transformations that turned a society where slavery was a fundamental institution into one governed by the goals and methods of ‘aid’. Covering about two centuries – from the pre-colonial power of the Caliphate of Sokoto to the aid-driven governments of the present – this study explores the problem that has remained the central conundrum throughout Ader’s history: how workers could meet subsistence needs and employers fulfil recruitment requirements in an area where natural resources are constantly exposed to the climatic hazards characteristic of the edge of the Sahara.
keywords = {19th century, 20th century, africa, development},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Schiel, Juliane
Slaves’ Religious Choice in Renaissance Venice: Applying Insights from Missionary Narratives to Slave Baptism Records Journal Article
In: Archivio Veneto, iss. 146, pp. 23-45, 2015.
Abstract | Tags: christianity, italy, medieval history, slavery
title = {Slaves’ Religious Choice in Renaissance Venice: Applying Insights from Missionary Narratives to Slave Baptism Records},
author = {Juliane Schiel},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
journal = { Archivio Veneto},
issue = {146},
pages = {23-45},
abstract = {This article investigates the motivation for and interests behind the baptism of slaves imported into late medieval Venice. It reviews Venetian slave sale records and reports left by mendicant missionaries and illustrates that baptism was less a matter of individual spiritual choice than a social practice perceived by the slave holders as an act of charity.
keywords = {christianity, italy, medieval history, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Weber, Klaus
Linen, Silver, Slaves, and Coffee: A Spatial Approach to Central Europe’s Entanglements with the Atlantic Economy Journal Article
In: Culture & History Digital Journal, vol. 4, iss. 2, 2015.
Abstract | Tags: atlanic, central and eastern europe, commodity chains, slavery, spatial history, textile industry
title = {Linen, Silver, Slaves, and Coffee: A Spatial Approach to Central Europe’s Entanglements with the Atlantic Economy},
author = {Klaus Weber},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
urldate = {2015-01-01},
journal = {Culture & History Digital Journal},
volume = {4},
issue = {2},
abstract = {In German scholarship of the post-war period, the category of space was regarded as discredited, because of its abuse during the Nazi period. This applies in particular to the 1970s and 80s, when novel approaches in social and economic history were developed. Research on proto-industrialisation, broadly examining its internal structures, did not take into account the export orientation of Central Europe’s early modern commodity production. At the same time, the expanding research on Europe’s Atlantic empires, including the trans-Atlantic slave trade, did hardly take notice of the manufactures from the Holy Roman Empire, distributed all around the Atlantic basin. This paper examines those conditions favouring German proto-industries which are relevant for a ‘spatial approach’ to the phenomenon. It also covers the late medieval beginnings of this process, in order to demonstrate the continuity of Central Europe’s entanglement with the Atlantic world. The paper further emphasises that any future research using spatial categories must be aware of the ideological contamination of the German term ‘Raum’ during the 19th and 20th century. The interlace of economic and social history with historiography demands a compilation from current and older research literature, some of it on different regions and subjects.},
keywords = {atlanic, central and eastern europe, commodity chains, slavery, spatial history, textile industry},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Weber, Klaus
Mitteleuropa und der transatlantische Sklavenhandel: eine lange Geschichte [Central Europe and the trans-atlantic slave trade: a long (hi)story] Journal Article
In: WerkstattGeschichte, iss. 66-67, pp. 7-30, 2015.
Tags: atlanic, central and eastern europe, slavery
title = {Mitteleuropa und der transatlantische Sklavenhandel: eine lange Geschichte [Central Europe and the trans-atlantic slave trade: a long (hi)story]},
author = {Klaus Weber},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
urldate = {2015-01-01},
issuetitle = {Europas Sklaven [Europe's Slaves]},
journal = {WerkstattGeschichte},
issue = {66-67},
pages = {7-30},
keywords = {atlanic, central and eastern europe, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Weber, Klaus
Von der Plantage zum ‚working prison‘. Ein kurzer Überblick zur Historiographie der Sklaverei [From the plantation to the ‚working prison‘. A short overview about the historiography of slavery] Book Chapter
In: Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm; Hanke, Edith; Picht, Barbara (Ed.): Geschichte intellektuell. Theoriegeschichtliche Perspektiven, pp. 335-355, 2015.
Tags: historiography, slaver
title = {Von der Plantage zum ‚working prison‘. Ein kurzer Überblick zur Historiographie der Sklaverei [From the plantation to the ‚working prison‘. A short overview about the historiography of slavery] },
author = {Klaus Weber},
editor = {Friedrich Wilhelm Graf and Edith Hanke and Barbara Picht},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
booktitle = {Geschichte intellektuell. Theoriegeschichtliche Perspektiven},
pages = {335-355},
keywords = {historiography, slaver},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Weber, Klaus
Blurred Concepts of Slavery Book Chapter
In: Hilgendorf, Eric; Marschelke, Jan; Sekora, Karin (Ed.): Slavery as a Global and Regional Phenomenon, pp. 17-47, 2015.
Tags: historiography, slavery
title = {Blurred Concepts of Slavery},
author = {Klaus Weber},
editor = {Eric Hilgendorf and Jan Marschelke and Karin Sekora},
year = {2015},
date = {2015-01-01},
booktitle = {Slavery as a Global and Regional Phenomenon},
pages = {17-47},
keywords = {historiography, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Almagro-Vidal, Clara
Moros al Servicio de las Órdenes Militares en Castilla: Algunas Reflexiones Conference
Actas del XIII Simposio Internacional de Mudejarismo Celebrado en Teruel, 4-5 septiembre de 2014, 2014.
Tags: medieval history, military, muslims, spain
title = {Moros al Servicio de las Órdenes Militares en Castilla: Algunas Reflexiones},
author = {Clara Almagro-Vidal},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-09-05},
urldate = {2014-09-05},
booktitle = {Actas del XIII Simposio Internacional de Mudejarismo Celebrado en Teruel, 4-5 septiembre de 2014},
pages = {191-200},
keywords = {medieval history, military, muslims, spain},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {conference}
Angelova, Milena
“The Model Village”. The modernization Project of the Villages in Bulgaria (1937-1944) Journal Article
In: MARTOR (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review) , vol. 19, pp. 89-96, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, sociology
title = {“The Model Village”. The modernization Project of the Villages in Bulgaria (1937-1944)},
author = {Milena Angelova},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
journal = {MARTOR (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review) },
volume = {19},
pages = {89-96},
abstract = {This article presents the interaction between the national and international levels of rural modernisation as they are shaped by the disciplines of agronomy, sociology, rural planning, public health and more. The article examines the role of the agrarian sociology in producing visions of rural transformation in interwar Bulgaria, focusing on the Agricultural Economics Research Institute and the surveys of rural house work. Тhe article also engages with the concept of the “model” itself, asking how and why models of rural living were used to produce or manage social change. The agrarian policies found paths of further development in the professionalisation of both agrarian economy and social intervention into rural life.
keywords = {20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, sociology},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Casu, Igor (Ed.)
At the Origins of Sovietization of Bessarabia: Identification of Class Enemies, Confiscations of Property and Work Mobilization in Moldavian SSR, 1940-1941. Collection
2014, ((in Russian, with summary and names of the documents in English and Romanian)).
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, forced labour, socialism, soviet union
title = {At the Origins of Sovietization of Bessarabia: Identification of Class Enemies, Confiscations of Property and Work Mobilization in Moldavian SSR, 1940-1941.},
editor = {Igor Casu},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
abstract = {The volume contains documents from former party and state archives of Soviet Moldavia, in Chișinău. It covers three main topics that overall anticipates the beginning of mass repression in Moldavian SSR as well as in other new Soviet Western borderlands in May-June 1941 just days before the German-Soviet war. Thus, it focuses on issues such as the way the Soviet political police and other agencies identified the class enemies, interrogated them about their properties, their political affiliations and other issues. The third main topic covered in the volume pertains to mass forced work mobilization in Ukraine, Russia and other Soviet republics.
note = {(in Russian, with summary and names of the documents in English and Romanian)},
keywords = {20th century, forced labour, socialism, soviet union},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Centrih, Lev
The Road to Collapse: The Demise of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia. Online
2014, visited: 01.01.2014.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, socialism, work brigades, yugoslavia
title = {The Road to Collapse: The Demise of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia.},
author = {Lev Centrih},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
abstract = {The publication is indirectly connected to the COST Action’s topic. Author explores dynamics of the systemic changes in socialist Yugoslavia 1945–1991. Findings are relevant for the author’s present interest in atypical forms of labour. League of Communists of Yugoslavia was the leading political force in the country: after the second world war the Party initiated reconstruction campaigns which included phenomenon of “working brigades” . These labour arrangements were neither completely free but not completely compulsory either.
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, socialism, work brigades, yugoslavia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {online}
Gluchman, Vasil
Professional Ethics as Work Ethics and Ethics of Relations Book
Abstract | Tags: philosophy, work ethics
title = {Professional Ethics as Work Ethics and Ethics of Relations},
author = {Vasil Gluchman },
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
abstract = {Within this book, the author critically examines the term profession and, unlike many ‘aristocratic’ or elitist definitions of the profession, comes to a more democratic understanding of the profession, which, in his view, corresponds to the current dynamic approach to the profession as a qualified and quality work. Consequently, the author pays attention to researching the nature of the work and its importance at present. In this context, it also deals with labour values, access to labour, which are of importance and role in developed Western countries. Many authors, starting with Max Weber in his work “Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism” (1905), but also for example Adrian Furnham in his book “Protestant Work Ethic” (1990), Richard Sennett in “The Corrosion of Character” (1998) point to a contradictory understanding of values related to the job at present.
keywords = {philosophy, work ethics},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Greenfield-Liebst, Michelle
African Workers and the Universities‘ Mission to Central Africa in Zanzibar, 1864–1900 Journal Article
In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, vol. 8, iss. 3, pp. 366-381, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, africa, christianity, slavery, Zanzibar
title = {African Workers and the Universities‘ Mission to Central Africa in Zanzibar, 1864–1900},
author = {Michelle Greenfield-Liebst },
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Eastern African Studies},
volume = {8},
issue = {3},
pages = {366-381},
abstract = {This article explores the connections between African workers and Christian missions in late nineteenth-century Zanzibar. The main finding is that missionaries found themselves hiring slaves in order to build their cathedral, which is ironically a symbol of abolition.
keywords = {19th century, africa, christianity, slavery, Zanzibar},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Guzowski, Piotr
The Role of Enforced Labour in the Economic Development of Church and Royal Estates in 15th and 16th-century Poland Book Chapter
In: Cavaciocchi, Simonetta (Ed.): Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th-18th centuries, pp. 216-234, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: early modern history, economic development, medieval history, poland, serfdom
title = {The Role of Enforced Labour in the Economic Development of Church and Royal Estates in 15th and 16th-century Poland},
author = {Piotr Guzowski},
editor = {Simonetta Cavaciocchi},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th-18th centuries},
pages = {216-234},
abstract = {The aim of this paper is to explore the phenomenon of unfree labour, its origins and spreading, as an important element of Polish manorial economy, both at the end of the Middle Ages and at the beginning of the early modern period, that is prior to and after large scale exportation of Polish grain via Baltic ports began.},
keywords = {early modern history, economic development, medieval history, poland, serfdom},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Hackett, Sarah
From rags to restaurants: self-determination, entrepreneurship and integration amongst Muslim immigrants in Newcastle upon Tyne in comparative perspective, 1960s-1990s Journal Article
In: Twentieth Century British History, vol. 25, iss. 1, pp. 132-154, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, ethnic and religious minorities, germany, labour markets, migration and mobility, united kingdom
title = {From rags to restaurants: self-determination, entrepreneurship and integration amongst Muslim immigrants in Newcastle upon Tyne in comparative perspective, 1960s-1990s},
author = {Sarah Hackett},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Twentieth Century British History},
volume = {25},
issue = {1},
pages = {132-154},
abstract = {This article traces the development of entrepreneurship amongst Newcastle’s post-war Muslim immigrant community. A comparison with the German city of Bremen helps expose the long-term legacies of immigration histories and policies, and the role that Islam plays in determining levels of ethnic entrepreneurship. By drawing upon government documents and correspondence, Census material and a range of secondary literature, this article asserts that the scholarship on immigrant aspirations and self-determination in the British labour market during the post-Second World War period needs revising.
keywords = {20th century, ethnic and religious minorities, germany, labour markets, migration and mobility, united kingdom},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Ivanović, Miloš
Razvitak vojne službe kao osnov formiranja vlasteoskog sloja u srpskoj srednjovekovnoj državi [Development of Military Service as Foundation for Creation of Nobility in Medieval Serbia] Journal Article
In: Vojnoistorijski glasnik [Military Historical Review], vol. 1, pp. 30-48, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, medieval history, military, serbia
title = {Razvitak vojne službe kao osnov formiranja vlasteoskog sloja u srpskoj srednjovekovnoj državi [Development of Military Service as Foundation for Creation of Nobility in Medieval Serbia]},
author = {Miloš Ivanović},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Vojnoistorijski glasnik [Military Historical Review]},
volume = {1},
pages = {30-48},
abstract = {Occasional submission of Serbian lands to Byzantine Empire or Bulgaria slow down creation of local elites. Process of political emancipation from Byzantine rule, which started in Doclea during 11th and its successful continuation in Raska during 12th century wouldn’t be feasible without existence of group of professional soldiers”. Confirmation could be found in writings of Byzantine writers as well in certain archeological sites. By the end of 12th century in Serbia appeared new type of soldier – armored cavalryman. Almost simultaneously appeared group of dependent inhabitants tied to land which was supposed to secure nobility with sufficient revenues. By the beginning of 13th century in hagiographies and charts beside nobility as separate social category appeared soldiers. Analyses of sources showed that both belonged to the class of warriors while nobility was entitled to higher titles and governing positions. In time, soldiers stop being separate social category and enter the ranks of nobility whose main obligation was warfare. By the mid-14th century this was confirmed by the Emperor Dusan Code. Thanks to its privileges nobility clearly differed from Vlachs among whom some were obliged to participate in war.
keywords = {central and eastern europe, medieval history, military, serbia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Mendiola, Fernando
Reeducation through work? Mountain roads in the Spanish concentration universe (Western Pyrenees, 1939-1942), Journal Article
In: Labor History, vol. 55, iss. 1, pp. 97-116, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, forced labour, spain
title = {Reeducation through work? Mountain roads in the Spanish concentration universe (Western Pyrenees, 1939-1942),},
author = {Fernando Mendiola},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Labor History},
volume = {55},
issue = {1},
pages = {97-116},
abstract = {This article deals with the forced labour system within the Spanish Concentration Universe, mainly that related to work battalions that were under the control of the Concentration Camps Inspectorate, involved in work consisting of opening roads along the Western Pyrenees after Spanish Civil War.
keywords = {20th century, forced labour, spain},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Mironov, Alexandru-Murad
Grigore Trancu-Iaşi şi “protecţia muncii naţionale”: Politica socială interbelică între naţionalism şi combaterea şomajului [Grigore Trancu-Iaşi and the “protection of national labor”: Interwar social policy between nationalism and the fight against unemployment] Journal Article
In: Transilvania , vol. 10-11, pp. 64-72, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, labour markets, romania
title = {Grigore Trancu-Iaşi şi “protecţia muncii naţionale”: Politica socială interbelică între naţionalism şi combaterea şomajului [Grigore Trancu-Iaşi and the “protection of national labor”: Interwar social policy between nationalism and the fight against unemployment]},
author = {Alexandru-Murad Mironov },
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
journal = {Transilvania },
volume = {10-11},
pages = {64-72},
abstract = {This paper analyzes the historical grounds of a national policy to regulate labour in interwar Romania. The labour regime in that period was not even once modified by social pressure. Official interest varied according to economic conditions, government ideology and the personality of the holder of the office. The founder was Grigore Trancu-Iaşi, a radical statesman. Of humble extraction, he imagined himself as a sort of protector of Romanian workers. His vision was “national”: employers and employees were in the service of the motherland. The end of the democratical regime in 1938 came with a different political approach toward the working class. The political elite, democratically elected or directly appointed by the King, employed philanthropy or offered incentives. However, solidarity never became a reality.
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, labour markets, romania},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Pargas, Damian Alan
Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South Book
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, migration and mobility, slavery, united states
title = {Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South},
author = {Damian Alan Pargas},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
abstract = {This book sheds light on domestic forced migration by examining the experiences of American-born slave migrants from a comparative perspective. Juxtaposing and contrasting the experiences of long-distance, local, and urban slave migrants, it analyzes how different migrant groups anticipated, reacted to, and experienced forced removal, as well as how they adapted to their new homes.
keywords = {19th century, migration and mobility, slavery, united states},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Hofmeester, Karin; Lucassen, Jan; da Silva, Filipa Ribeiro
No Global history without Africa: Reciprocal Comparison and Beyond Journal Article
In: History in Africa. A Journal of Method, iss. 41, pp. 249-276, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: africa, global labour history, longue duree
title = {No Global history without Africa: Reciprocal Comparison and Beyond},
author = {Karin Hofmeester and Jan Lucassen and Filipa Ribeiro da Silva},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
journal = {History in Africa. A Journal of Method},
issue = {41},
pages = {249-276},
abstract = {This introduction explains why it is important to include the history of labor and labor relations in Africa in Global Labor History. It suggests that the approach of the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500–2000 – with its taxonomy of labour relations – is a feasible method for applying this approach to the historiography on labor history in Africa.
keywords = {africa, global labour history, longue duree},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Schiel, Juliane; Hanß, Stefan (Ed.)
Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500-1800). Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–1800) Collection
Abstract | Tags: early modern history, historical semantics, medieval history, mediterranean, slavery
title = {Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500-1800). Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–1800)},
editor = {Juliane Schiel and Stefan Hanß},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
abstract = {This volume consists of 22 contributions own English, French, German or Italian language addressing the history of Mediterranean slavery from the medieval to the early modern period. The first section contains papers on the semantics, representations and depictions of slavery; the second section focuses on practices of slaving while the third section brings together papers with a transcultural or interdisciplinary approach.},
keywords = {early modern history, historical semantics, medieval history, mediterranean, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {collection}
Stanziani, Alessandro
Bondage: Labor and Rights in Eurasia from the Sixteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries. Book
Abstract | Tags: abolition, bonded labour, central asia, europe, indian ocean, intendured labour, longue duree, russia, slavery
title = {Bondage: Labor and Rights in Eurasia from the Sixteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries.},
author = {Alessandro Stanziani},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
abstract = {For the first time, this book provides the global history of labor in Central Eurasia, Russia, Europe, and the Indian Ocean between the sixteenth and the twentieth centuries. It contests common views on free and unfree labor, and compares the latter to many Western countries where wage conditions resembled those of domestic servants. This gave rise to extreme forms of dependency in the colonies, not only under slavery, but also afterwards in form of indentured labor in the Indian Ocean and obligatory labor in Africa. Stanziani shows that unfree labor and forms of economic coercion were perfectly compatible with market development and capitalism, proven by the consistent economic growth that took place all over Eurasia between the seventeenth and the nineteenth centuries. This growth was labor intensive: commercial expansion, transformations in agriculture, and the first industrial revolution required more labor, not less. Finally, Stanziani demonstrates that this world did not collapse after the French Revolution or the British industrial revolution, as is commonly assumed, but instead between 1870 and 1914, with the second industrial revolution and the rise of the welfare state.
keywords = {abolition, bonded labour, central asia, europe, indian ocean, intendured labour, longue duree, russia, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Terra, Paulo Cruz
Free and Unfree Labour and Ethnic Conflicts in the Brazilian Transport Industry: Rio de Janeiro in the Nineteenth Century Journal Article
In: International Review of Social History , vol. 59, iss. 1, pp. 113-132, 2014.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, brazil, race, working conditions
title = {Free and Unfree Labour and Ethnic Conflicts in the Brazilian Transport Industry: Rio de Janeiro in the Nineteenth Century},
author = {Paulo Cruz Terra},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
journal = {International Review of Social History },
volume = {59},
issue = {1},
pages = {113-132},
abstract = {Over the course of the nineteenth century, major changes transformed the transport of people and freight in Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil during this period. These transformations involved both technological change, as transport evolved first from carriages and carts to horse-drawn trams and then to electric trams, as well as economic developments, such as the establishment of the first tram companies, many of which became important vehicles for foreign capital to enter Brazil. Although there has been extensive research from various angles into the changes undergone by the city's transport sector, there remains, however, a significant lacuna in the existing literature: the workers involved in that sector. The aim of this article is to analyse the workforce of the urban transport sector in Rio de Janeiro in the nineteenth century, and to understand the labour that these workers provided, how they were affected by the transformations in the sector, and, at the same time, how they responded to those transformations. During this period, issues such as the connections between free and unfree labour, ethnic conflicts, and work regulation were very important in transport work in Rio de Janeiro, and they are explored in the text.
keywords = {19th century, brazil, race, working conditions},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wunsch, Cornelia; Rachel, Magdalene F.
Freedom and Dependency: Neo-Babylonian Manumission Documents with Oblation and Service Obligation Book Chapter
In: Kozuh, Michael; Henkelman, Wouter F. M.; Jones, Charles E.; Woods, Christopher (Ed.): Extraction and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper, pp. 337-346, 2014.
Tags: ancient history, babylonia, dependency, service
title = {Freedom and Dependency: Neo-Babylonian Manumission Documents with Oblation and Service Obligation},
author = {Cornelia Wunsch and Magdalene F. Rachel},
editor = {Michael Kozuh and Wouter F. M. Henkelman and Charles E. Jones and Christopher Woods},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-01-01},
urldate = {2014-01-01},
booktitle = {Extraction and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper},
pages = {337-346},
keywords = {ancient history, babylonia, dependency, service},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
нгелова, Милена
Безсмъртният герой като колега: колективният ритуал “Героят е винаги в строя” (1977-1989) [The Immortal Hero as a Co-worker: The Collective ritual “The Hero is Always in Our Lines”, 1977-1989] Book Chapter
In: Koleva, Daniela (Ed.): Death under Socialism: Heroics and Postheroics, pp. 115-128, 2013.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, socialism, work brigades
title = {Безсмъртният герой като колега: колективният ритуал “Героят е винаги в строя” (1977-1989) [The Immortal Hero as a Co-worker: The Collective ritual “The Hero is Always in Our Lines”, 1977-1989]},
author = {Милена нгелова},
editor = {Daniela Koleva},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
booktitle = {Death under Socialism: Heroics and Postheroics},
pages = {115-128},
abstract = {The campaign “The Hero is Always in Our Lines” was designed as a state initiative in Bulgaria in the 1970s as a part of the ideological scenarios of late communist rule. The Bulgarian version of the campaign was a response to the similar Soviet initiative “For you and for that boy”. The basic idea was that work brigades (units) had to choose died communist heroes as their “patrons” in order to sustain their memory. The heroes were enlisted in the payroll and the work brigades fulfilled additional work assignments on their behalf and received their wages.
keywords = {20th century, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, socialism, work brigades},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Bartha, Eszter
Alienating Labour: Workers on the Road from Socialism to Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary. Book
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, capitalism, economic and social policy, german democratic republic, germany, hungary, post-socialism, socialism, working class
title = {Alienating Labour: Workers on the Road from Socialism to Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary.},
author = {Eszter Bartha},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
abstract = {The state socialist regimes in Hungary and East Germany sought to win over the “masses” with promises of providing for ever-increasing levels of consumption. This policy – successful at the outset – in the long-term proved to be detrimental for the regimes because it shifted working class political consciousness to the right while it effectively excluded leftist alternatives from the public sphere. This book argues that this policy can provide the key to understanding of the collapse of the regimes. It examines the case studies of two large factories, Carl Zeiss Jena (East Germany) and Rába in Győr (Hungary), and demonstrates how the study of the formation of the relationship between the workers’ state and the industrial working class can offer illuminating insights into the important issue of the legitimacy (and its eventual loss) of Communist regimes.
keywords = {20th century, capitalism, economic and social policy, german democratic republic, germany, hungary, post-socialism, socialism, working class},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Guzowski, Piotr
The Peasant Land Market in Late Medieval and Early Modern Poland, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Book Chapter
In: Béaur, Gerard (Ed.): Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (13th–20th Centuries), pp. 219–237, 2013.
Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, early modern history, medieval history, poland, property relations
title = {The Peasant Land Market in Late Medieval and Early Modern Poland, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries},
author = {Piotr Guzowski},
editor = {Gerard Béaur et al.},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
booktitle = {Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (13th–20th Centuries)},
pages = {219–237},
abstract = {The aim of this paper is to answer the question whether there was peasant land market in Poland in the late Middle Ages and at the beginning of the early modern period, how well developed it was, and what was its role in the peasant economy. The paper looks for evidence in the oldest Polish village court rolls.
keywords = {agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, early modern history, medieval history, poland, property relations},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Hackett, Sarah
Foreigners, Minorities and Integration: The Muslim Immigrant Experience in Britain and Germany. Book
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, ethnic and religious minorities, germany, migration and mobility, muslims, united kingdom
title = {Foreigners, Minorities and Integration: The Muslim Immigrant Experience in Britain and Germany.},
author = {Sarah Hackett},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
abstract = {This book explores the arrival and development of Muslim immigrant communities in Britain and Germany during the post-1945 period through the case studies of Newcastle upon Tyne and Bremen. It traces Newcastle’s South Asian Muslims and Bremen’s Turkish Muslims from their initial settlement through to the end of the twentieth century, and investigates their behaviour and performance in the areas of employment, housing and education. In what is the first historical comparison of Muslim ethnic minorities in Britain and Germany at a local level, this book reveals that instances of integration have been frequent.
keywords = {20th century, ethnic and religious minorities, germany, migration and mobility, muslims, united kingdom},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Lopata, Maryan; Mastyka, Andrey; Tarita, Marius
The Deportations from the Neighbouring Chernivtsy Region (Ukraine) in 1944-1953 and from the Bricheny, Oknitsa and Edinets Regions (Moldova) in 1949-1951 Booklet
Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, deportation, ukraine
title = {The Deportations from the Neighbouring Chernivtsy Region (Ukraine) in 1944-1953 and from the Bricheny, Oknitsa and Edinets Regions (Moldova) in 1949-1951},
author = {Maryan Lopata and Andrey Mastyka and Marius Tarita},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
month = {01},
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, deportation, ukraine},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {booklet}
Sefer, Akın
From Class Solidarity to Revolution: The Radicalization of Arsenal Workers in the Late Ottoman Empire Journal Article
In: International Review of Social History, vol. 58, iss. 3, pp. 395-428, 2013.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, ottoman empire, revolt and revolution, working class
title = {From Class Solidarity to Revolution: The Radicalization of Arsenal Workers in the Late Ottoman Empire},
author = {Akın Sefer},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
journal = {International Review of Social History},
volume = {58},
issue = {3},
pages = {395-428},
abstract = {This article introduces a bottom-up perspective to the history of the Revolution of 1908 in the Ottoman Empire by focusing on the experiences of workers in the Imperial Arsenal (Tersane-i Amire) in Istanbul. It explores, from a class-formation perspective, the struggles and relations of Arsenal workers, including the conscripts and children employed here, from the second half of the nineteenth century until the revolution.
keywords = {19th century, 20th century, ottoman empire, revolt and revolution, working class},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Spicksley, Judith
The decline of slavery for debt in Western Europe in the medieval period Book Chapter
In: Cavaciocchi, Simonetta (Ed.): Schiavitù e Servaggio nell’Economia Europea Secc. XI-XVIII [Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th–18th Centuries], pp. 465-86, 2013.
Abstract | Tags: christianity, medieval history, slavery, western europe
title = {The decline of slavery for debt in Western Europe in the medieval period},
author = {Judith Spicksley},
editor = {Simonetta Cavaciocchi},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
booktitle = {Schiavitù e Servaggio nell’Economia Europea Secc. XI-XVIII [Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th–18th Centuries]},
pages = {465-86},
abstract = {This article examines the impact of secular and religious change on the legitimacy of enslavement for debt in medieval Europe.
keywords = {christianity, medieval history, slavery, western europe},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Spicksley, Judith
Pawns on the Gold Coast: the rise of Asante and shifts in security for debt, 1680-1750 Journal Article
In: Journal of African History, vol. 54, iss. 2, pp. 147-175, 2013.
Abstract | Tags: africa, debt, early modern history, gold coast
title = {Pawns on the Gold Coast: the rise of Asante and shifts in security for debt, 1680-1750},
author = {Judith Spicksley},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
journal = {Journal of African History},
volume = {54},
issue = {2},
pages = {147-175},
abstract = {This article examines the shifting demand for gold among the Asante and the rise in the use of human pawns on the Gold Coast.},
keywords = {africa, debt, early modern history, gold coast},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Chevaleyre, Claude
Acting As Master and Bondservant: Considerations on Status, Identities and the Nature of “Bond-Servitude” in Late Ming China Book Chapter
In: Stanziani, Alessandro (Ed.): 2013.
Tags: bonded labour, china, early modern history, service
title = {Acting As Master and Bondservant: Considerations on Status, Identities and the Nature of “Bond-Servitude” in Late Ming China},
author = {Claude Chevaleyre},
editor = {Alessandro Stanziani},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-01-01},
urldate = {2013-01-01},
series = {Studies in Global Social History},
keywords = {bonded labour, china, early modern history, service},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Casu, Igor
Political Repressions in Moldavian SSR after 1956: Towards a Typology Based on KGB files Journal Article
In: Dystopia. Journal of Totalitarian Ideologies and Regimes, vol. 1-2, pp. 89-127, 2012.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, socialism, soviet union
title = {Political Repressions in Moldavian SSR after 1956: Towards a Typology Based on KGB files},
author = {Igor Casu },
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
journal = {Dystopia. Journal of Totalitarian Ideologies and Regimes},
volume = {1-2},
pages = {89-127},
abstract = {The article is the first attempt to reconstitute the scale, nature and methods opposition to the Soviet regime in Moldavian SSR after Stalin’s death. The author stresses the fact that even though there is no mass repression after 1953, the regime retained its main characteristics such as one-party rule, censorship, prohibition of market relations and private property and the leading role of civil and political police in controlling all forms of social and individual life.
keywords = {20th century, socialism, soviet union},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Kučera, Rudolf
Marginalizing Josefina: Work, Gender, and Protest in Bohemia 1820–1844 Journal Article
In: Journal of Social History, vol. 46, iss. 2, pp. 430-448, 2012.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, bohemian lands, gender, labour movements, working class
title = {Marginalizing Josefina: Work, Gender, and Protest in Bohemia 1820–1844},
author = {Rudolf Kučera },
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
journal = {Journal of Social History},
volume = {46},
issue = {2},
pages = {430-448},
abstract = {The study concentrates on the pre-1848 labor protests in Bohemia and analyzes them with respect to questions of gender. The paper explores how the codes and institutions of skilled labor masculinity shaped working-class collective action in pre-1848 Bohemia – one of the most industrialized European regions during the first half of the nineteenth century.
keywords = {19th century, bohemian lands, gender, labour movements, working class},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Tărîță, Marius
Deportations and Forced Labour: Forms of Remembering in the Villages of Arboreny, Boian and Mahala (Chernivtsy Region, Ukraine) Journal Article
In: Interstitio: East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology, no. 1-2, pp. 126-135, 2012.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, deportation, fascism, forced labour, romania, ukraine
title = {Deportations and Forced Labour: Forms of Remembering in the Villages of Arboreny, Boian and Mahala (Chernivtsy Region, Ukraine)},
author = {Marius Tărîță},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
journal = {Interstitio: East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology},
number = {1-2},
pages = {126-135},
abstract = {In this article was used information from interviews with persons from three Romanian language villages of Northern Bukovina, about deportation of a number of families of peasants to Siberia in June 1941, recruitment for forced labor near Onega lake in August 1944. Remembering vary from full of cruel details (realist to naturalist) in the case of persons who had at least 18 years at that moment, to more complex/mixed in the case of kids, who beside difficulties also can address to positive emotions.
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, deportation, fascism, forced labour, romania, ukraine},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wunsch, Cornelia; Rachel, Magdalene F.
A Slave Is not Supposed to Wear such a Garment Journal Article
In: Kaskal , vol. 9, pp. 99-120, 2012.
Tags: ancient history, babylonia, slavery
title = {A Slave Is not Supposed to Wear such a Garment},
author = {Cornelia Wunsch and Magdalene F. Rachel},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-01-01},
journal = {Kaskal },
volume = {9},
pages = {99-120},
keywords = {ancient history, babylonia, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Guzowski, Piotr
The influence of exports on grain production on Polish royal demesne farms in the second half of the sixteenth century Journal Article
In: Agricultural History Review, vol. 59, pp. 312-327, 2011.
Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, early modern history, economic development, poland
title = {The influence of exports on grain production on Polish royal demesne farms in the second half of the sixteenth century},
author = {Piotr Guzowski },
year = {2011},
date = {2011-01-01},
urldate = {2011-01-01},
journal = {Agricultural History Review},
volume = {59},
pages = {312-327},
abstract = {The paper explores a survey of royal lands produced in 1564 and 1565. This contains data from over 500 royal demesnes situated throughout the Kingdom of Poland, and provides detailed information about types of cereals grown, their yields and prices, animal husbandry, the system of land division, weights and measures, and the system of agricultural management.
keywords = {agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, early modern history, economic development, poland},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Seppel, Marten
Landlords’ Medical Care for their Serfs in the Baltic Provinces of the Russian Empire Journal Article
In: Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 89, iss. 2, pp. 201-223, 2011.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, baltic states, early modern history, russia, serfdom
title = {Landlords’ Medical Care for their Serfs in the Baltic Provinces of the Russian Empire},
author = {Marten Seppel},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-01-01},
journal = {Slavonic and East European Review},
volume = {89},
issue = {2},
pages = {201-223},
abstract = {The article looks at the opportunities of serfs to get medical care in the Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire. It argues that although at the beginning of the nineteenth century the manors still played the main role as providers and mediators of medical aid to the peasantry, pressure to improve serfs’ health standards had started to come from the state and the authors of popular enlightenment from the 1760s.
keywords = {19th century, baltic states, early modern history, russia, serfdom},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Škodrić, Ljubinka
Prosvetni radnici u ideologiji Vlade Milana Nedića 1941-1944 [Educational Workers as Part of General Milan Nedić’s Government Ideology 1941-1944] Journal Article
In: Istorija, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 151-163, 2011.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, education, serbia
title = {Prosvetni radnici u ideologiji Vlade Milana Nedića 1941-1944 [Educational Workers as Part of General Milan Nedić’s Government Ideology 1941-1944]},
author = {Ljubinka Škodrić },
year = {2011},
date = {2011-01-01},
journal = {Istorija},
volume = {20},
issue = {1},
pages = {151-163},
abstract = {The article explores efforts of the collaborationist government in occupied Serbia during World War II to remodel high school education as important ideological tool. According to the standpoints of the government, educational workers should act as propagators of the ideology that government wished to spread. On the contrary to government proclaims, most of the teachers and professors, showed passive or active resistance. Because of that some of them lost their service and were sent in the prisons and camps.},
keywords = {20th century, education, serbia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Wunsch, Cornelia; Rachel, Magdalene F.
Slavery between Judah and Babylon: The Exilic Experience Book Chapter
In: Culbertson, Laura (Ed.): Slaves and Household in the Near East, pp. 113-134, 2011.
Tags: ancient history, babylonia, household, slavery
title = {Slavery between Judah and Babylon: The Exilic Experience},
author = {Cornelia Wunsch and Magdalene F. Rachel},
editor = {Laura Culbertson},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-01-01},
booktitle = {Slaves and Household in the Near East},
pages = {113-134},
keywords = {ancient history, babylonia, household, slavery},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Ćeranić, Goran
Social exclusiveness and the character of competitiveness of the montenegrin social system Journal Article
In: Sociološka luča, vol. IV, iss. 2, pp. 21-37, 2010.
Abstract | Tags: contemporary, economic and social policy, montenegro, sociology
title = {Social exclusiveness and the character of competitiveness of the montenegrin social system},
author = {Goran Ćeranić },
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
journal = { Sociološka luča},
volume = {IV},
issue = {2},
pages = {21-37},
abstract = {Social exclusiveness, as one of the main problems of modern society, entails a lack of social connections and power, disintegration, marginalization, social detachment and unfavorable position in the political, economic and social sense. Social exclusiveness concept can be operationalized by means of three elements: unemployment (marginalization at labor market), poverty and social isolation. Different integral elements of social exclusiveness are mutually interdependent, creating a spiral of insecurity which results in constant and multiply depriving circumstances. In those circumstances, the competitiveness of those individuals is not developed, nor are their abilities utilized, what to a great extent influences the competitiveness of the system itself.},
keywords = {contemporary, economic and social policy, montenegro, sociology},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Milićević, Nataša
Neke forme prinudnog rada u Srbiji 1944-1950 [Certain Types of Forced Labour in Serbia 1944-1950] Book Chapter
In: Gajger, Vladimir; Grahek-Ravančić, Martina; Karakaš-Obradov, Marica (Ed.): Logori, zatvori i prisilni rad u Hrvatskoj/Jugoslaviji 1941-1945 [Camps, prisons and forced labour in Croatia/Yugoslavia 1941-1945, 1945-1951], pp. 183-203, 2010.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, serbia, socialism
title = {Neke forme prinudnog rada u Srbiji 1944-1950 [Certain Types of Forced Labour in Serbia 1944-1950]},
author = {Nataša Milićević},
editor = {Vladimir Gajger and Martina Grahek-Ravančić and Marica Karakaš-Obradov},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
booktitle = {Logori, zatvori i prisilni rad u Hrvatskoj/Jugoslaviji 1941-1945 [Camps, prisons and forced labour in Croatia/Yugoslavia 1941-1945, 1945-1951]},
pages = {183-203},
abstract = {The paper focuses on different forms of forced labour in Serbia after WW II. The topic of the analyis is also the attitude and the vocabulary of Communist authorities. They often used terms like “mobilization”, “volunteer labour”, “required servise”, “required work”. The affected social groups were particularly observed. Such gropus were Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans), war prisoners, prison inmates, “volunteers”. The article explains who was hiding behind terms like “unproductive” or “enemy” elements.
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, serbia, socialism},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inbook}
Özbek, Müge Telci
The Regulation of Prostitution in Beyoğlu, 1875-1915 Journal Article
In: Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 46, iss. 4, 2010.
Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, class, gender, ottoman empire, prostitution, turkey
title = {The Regulation of Prostitution in Beyoğlu, 1875-1915},
author = {Müge Telci Özbek},
year = {2010},
date = {2010-01-01},
journal = {Middle Eastern Studies},
volume = {46},
issue = {4},
abstract = {This study examines the development and nature of the regulation of prostitution in Beyoğlu during the late Ottoman Empire with special emphasis on the way the regulationist regime reinforced existing patterns of class and gender domination. The regulation of prostitution became a matter of urgency in the last decades of the nineteenth century in Istanbul, particularly in Beyoğlu, the cosmopolitan center of the city.},
keywords = {19th century, 20th century, class, gender, ottoman empire, prostitution, turkey},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Milićević, Nataša
Југословенска власт и српско грађанство 1944-1950 [The Yugoslav Authorities and Serbian Bourgeoisie 1944-1950] Book
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, serbia, socialism, yugoslavia
title = {Југословенска власт и српско грађанство 1944-1950 [The Yugoslav Authorities and Serbian Bourgeoisie 1944-1950]},
author = {Nataša Milićević},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
abstract = {The book investigates an encompassing all treatment of the Serbian bourgeoisie by Communist authorities. In the chapter devoted to repression, there is a part dealing with right to work of the members of the Serbian bourgeoisie. There is a survey in the book of different ideological, political and administrative measures, as well as regime pressures that influenced rights to work, or prevented perceived “enemies” within the bourgeoisie to practice certain professions.
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, serbia, socialism, yugoslavia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Mironov, Alexandru-Murad
Comitetul oamenilor muncii [Workers’ committe] Journal Article
In: Arhivele Totalitarismului, vol. 1-2, pp. 221-227, 2009.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, romania, socialism
title = {Comitetul oamenilor muncii [Workers’ committe]},
author = {Alexandru-Murad Mironov },
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
journal = {Arhivele Totalitarismului},
volume = {1-2},
pages = {221-227},
abstract = {This paper analyzes the workers’ committees as the main instrument of control over the whole social-economical activity in Communist Romania. As the representatives of the working masses, these gatherings of employees (industrial, agricultural and commercial workers, engineers, desk clerks, teachers etc.) shared the decision-power with hierarchical appointed managers and directors. After the 1969 political decision of accelerating Socialist Romania’s economic and social development, the workers’ committee shared also the responsibility in implementing the five-year plans. Although they lacked real power, the workers’ committee soon became another instrument of control over ordinary people, by disposing of the distribution over assets and services (houses, holidays, cars).
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, romania, socialism},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Škodrić, Ljubinka
Ministarstvo prosvete i vera u Srbiji 1941-1944. Sudbina institucije pod okupacijom, 443 p. [Ministry of Education and Religion in Serbia 1941-1944. The Fate of the Institution under the Occupation] Book
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, civil servants, education, fascism, serbia
title = {Ministarstvo prosvete i vera u Srbiji 1941-1944. Sudbina institucije pod okupacijom, 443 p. [Ministry of Education and Religion in Serbia 1941-1944. The Fate of the Institution under the Occupation]},
author = {Ljubinka Škodrić},
year = {2009},
date = {2009-01-01},
abstract = {The book investigates the work, organization and structure of the Ministry of Education and Religion in Serbia during World War II and German occupation. Special focus is on the human resources policy of the Ministry of Education and Religion. The book analyzes the radical reduction of the number of civil servants and educational workers based on the racial, national, gender and age criteria. Staff reductions were used as an instrument of fight against employees who had different views and who were identified as “nationally unreliable”.
keywords = {20th century, civil servants, education, fascism, serbia},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Krivokapić, Nataša
Teorijski pristupi slobodnom vremenu [Theoretical Approaches to Leisure Time] Book
Abstract | Tags: contemporary, leisure, working time
title = {Teorijski pristupi slobodnom vremenu [Theoretical Approaches to Leisure Time]},
author = {Nataša Krivokapić},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
abstract = {This monograph deals with the connection between working and free time, more precisely with the influence of the quality of working time on the way of spending free time and the types of activities. It is considered that the needs that a person has in his free time are related to the effects that working time produces.},
keywords = {contemporary, leisure, working time},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Weber, Klaus; Meissner, Jochen; Mücke, Ulrich
Schwarzes Amerika. Eine Geschichte der Sklaverei [Black America. A History of Slavery] Book
Tags: 19th century, early modern history, latin america, slavery, united states
title = { Schwarzes Amerika. Eine Geschichte der Sklaverei [Black America. A History of Slavery]},
author = {Klaus Weber and Jochen Meissner and Ulrich Mücke},
year = {2008},
date = {2008-01-01},
keywords = {19th century, early modern history, latin america, slavery, united states},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {book}
Ćeranić, Goran
Sociological analysis of property transformation in Montenegro (1989–2000) Journal Article
In: Sociološka luča, vol. I, iss. 1, pp. 110-119, 2007.
Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, montenegro, post-socialism, property relations, sociology
title = {Sociological analysis of property transformation in Montenegro (1989–2000)},
author = {Goran Ćeranić},
year = {2007},
date = {2007-09-01},
urldate = {2007-09-01},
journal = {Sociološka luča},
volume = {I},
issue = {1},
pages = {110-119},
abstract = {Property transformation represents a complex social venture, global by the dimensions, strategic by the meaning, deep by the economic political and cultural consequences. Therefore, it is not a separated and autonomous process whose change causes consequences only in the property area; on the contrary, it is a process which encompasses the area and each subsystem of that area.Taking into account all this, while analysing property transformation in the post-socialist Montenegro, the attention must be paid to the following processes: social processes of establishing property as an institutionalised production category, the institutionalising of the social order and the influence of the individual and authority on it, property influence upon the value orientation of the citizen of Montenegro and to identification of whether all this leads to the constitution of the New Society.
keywords = {20th century, central and eastern europe, montenegro, post-socialism, property relations, sociology},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}