290 entries « 3 of 3 »


Piqueras, José Antonio

Historical Slavery and Capitalism in Cuban Historiography Book Chapter

In: Tomich, Dale (Ed.): Slavery and Historical Capitalism during the Nineteenth Century, pp. 67-122, 2017.

Tags: capitalism, caribbean, cuba, historiography, latin america, slavery

Rossi, Benedetta

Périodiser la fin de l’esclavage: Le droit colonial, la Société des Nations et la résistance des esclaves dans le Sahel nigérien, 1920-1930 Journal Article

In: Annales (Histoire, Sciences Sociales), vol. 72, iss. 4, pp. 983-1021, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, abolition, africa, slavery

Seppel, Marten

Cameralist population policy and the problem of serfdom, 1680-1720 Book Chapter

In: Seppel, Marten; Tribe, Keith (Ed.): Cameralism in Practice: State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe, pp. 91-110, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, early modern history, economic and social policy, serfdom

Štofaník, Jakub

Medzi krížom a kladivom [Between Cross and Hammer] Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, belgium, central and eastern europe, christianity, czechia, religion

Sundevall, Fia

Military Education for Non-Military Purposes: Economic and Social Governing Projects Targeting Conscripts in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden Journal Article

In: History of Education Review, vol. 46, iss. 1, pp. 58-71, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, economic and social policy, education, military, scandinavia, social control, sweden

Zimmermann, Susan

Equality of Women’s Economic Status? A Major Bone of Contention in the International Gender Politics Emerging During the Interwar Period Journal Article

In: The International History Review, vol. 41, iss. 1, pp. 200-227, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, feminism, gender, international organisations, labour movements

Terra, Paulo Cruz

Trabalhadores escravizados e livres na legislação municipal (Rio de Janeiro, século XIX) Book Chapter

In: Pestana, Marco Marques; de Carvalho Costa, Rafael Maul; de Oliveira, Tiago Bernardon (Ed.): Subalternos em movimento: mobilização e enfrentamento à dominação no Brasil, pp. 95-208, 2017.

Tags: 19th century, brazil, slavery

Uppenberg, Carolina

The servant institution during the Swedish agrarian revolution: the political economy of subservience Book Chapter

In: Whittle, Jane (Ed.): Servants in rural Europe 1400–1900, pp. 167–182, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, domestic service, early modern history, gender, service, sweden, work contracts

Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm

Sjálfstætt fólk: Vistarband og íslenskt samfélag á 19. öld Book


Abstract | Tags: early modern history, iceland, scand, service, wage labour

Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm

Ett normalt undantag? Tillfälligt arbete i lag och praktik i 1800-talets Island Journal Article

In: Arbetarhistoria , vol. 41, iss. 3-4, pp. 32-40, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, iceland, scandinavia, wage labour

Weber, Klaus

Die Gefängnisindustrie in den USA: Zur Verschränkung von Arbeits-, Wohlfahrts- und Strafregimen im Neoli­beralismus [The prison industry in the USA: About the entanglement of regimes of work, welfare and punishment in neoliberalism] Journal Article

In: Kritische Justiz, vol. 50, iss. 2, pp. 187-194, 2017.

Tags: contemporary, convict labour, economic and social policy, neoliberalism, punishment, social control, united states

Chevaleyre, Claude

Under Pressure and out of Respect for Human Dignity: the 1910 Chinese Abolition Book Chapter

In: Cottias, Myriam; Rossignol, Marie-Jeanne (Ed.): Distant Ripples of The British Abolintionist Wave: Africa, Asia and the Americas, 2017.

Tags: 20th century, abolition, bonded labour, china, slavery

Lindström, Jonas; Fiebranz, Rosemarie; Rydén, Göran

The Diversity of Work: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society Book Chapter

In: Ågren, Maria (Ed.): Making a Living, Making a Difference: Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society, pp. 24-56, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, europe, gender, historical semantics

Pizzolato, Nico

The IWW in Turin: “Militant History,” Workers’ Struggle, and the Crisis of Fordism in 1970s Italy Journal Article

In: International Labor and Working Class History, vol. 91, pp. 109-126, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, fordism, italy, labour movements

Pizzolato, Nico

A new revolutionary practice: operaisti and the 'refusal of work' in 1970's Italy Journal Article

In: Estudos Históricos, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, italy, labour movements, revolt and revolution


Kučera, Rudolf

Rationed Life. Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914–1918 Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, bohemian lands, war, working class

Batista, Anamarija (Ed.)

Crisis as Ideology Booklet


Abstract | Tags: art, cultural studies, philosophy

Bernet, Brigitta; Schiel, Juliane; Tanner, Jakob (Ed.)

Arbeit in der Erweiterung Collection


Abstract | Tags: colonialism, fordism, global labour history, historical anthropology, methodology

Kaarsholm, Preben

Indian Ocean Networks and the Transmutations of Servitude: The Protector of Indian Immigrants and the Administration of Freed Slaves and Indentured Labourers in Durban in the 1870s Journal Article

In: Journal of Southern African Studies, vol. 42, iss. 3, pp. 443-461, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, africa, indian ocean, intendured labour, migration and mobility, slavery, South Africa

Kuldova, Tereza

Luxury Indian Fashion: A Social Critique Book


Abstract | Tags: contemporary, ethnography, india, textile industry

Kuldova, Tereza

Fatalist Luxuries: Of Inequality, Wasting and Anti-Work Ethic in India Journal Article

In: Cultural Politics, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 110-129, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: contemporary, ethnography, india, qualitative research, textile industry, work ethics

Lindberg, Erik; Jacobsson, Benny; Ling, Sofia

The “Dark Side” of the Ubiquity of Work: Vulnerability and Destitution among the Elderly Book Chapter

In: Maria Ågren, (Ed.): Making a Living, Making a Difference. Gender and Work in Early Modern European Society,, pp. 159-176, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: care, early modern history, gender, service, sweden

Mendiola, Fernando

The role of unfree labour in capitalist development: Spain and its empire, 19th-21st centuries Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History , vol. 61, pp. 187-211, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, capitalism, contemporary, forced labour, spain

Özkoray, Hayri Gökşin (Ed.)

Ma’cûncızâde Mustafa Efendi: Le Captif de Malte. Récit autobiographique d’un cadi ottoman Book


Tags: early modern history, ottoman empire

Piqueras, José Antonio

The Return to the casa de vivienda and the barracon: The Terms of Social Action in Slave Plantations Book Chapter

In: Tomich, Dale (Ed.): The Politics of the Second Slavery, pp. 83-111, 2016.

Tags: 19th century, latin america, slavery

da Silva, Filipa Ribeiro

Political Changes and Shifts in Labour Relations in Mozambique, 1820s-1920s Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History, vol. 61, iss. 1, no. 1-21, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, mozambique, portugal

Ristovska-Josifovska, Biljana

On the Road of One Migration of Macedonians Towards Bulgaria in the Late 19th Century Book Chapter

In: : A.I.E.S.E.E. (Macedonian National Committee, Macedonian Academy of Sciences; Arts), (Ed.): Tradition in Communication and in the Spiritual Culture of Southeast Europe (Law‚ Economics, Natural Sciences, Art, Literature, Language), pp. 221-242, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, macedonia, migration and mobility

Škobla, Daniel; Filčák, Richard

Infrastructure in Marginalised Roma Settlements: Towards a Typology of Unequal Outcomes of EU Funded Projects Journal Article

In: Sociológia, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 620-640, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, contemporary, labour markets, roma, slovakia, sociology

Sundevall, Fia (Ed.)

Fritt och ofritt arbete i Norden: nya perspektiv på Arbetarhistoria Collection


Abstract | Tags: denmark, iceland, longue duree, norw, scandinavia

Tărîță, Marius

The Policy of the Party’s Organization in the Lipcani District of the Moldavian SSR in 1944-1945 Book Chapter

In: Radu, Sorin; Budeancă, Cosmin (Ed.): Countryside and communism in Eastern Europe. Perceptions. Attitude. Propaganda, pp. 79-84, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, military, moldova

Tolino, Serena

The History of Prostitution in Egypt (1885-1949): From Regulation to Prohibition Book Chapter

In: Kurz, Susanne; Preckel, Claudia; Reichmuth, Stefan (Ed.): Muslim Bodies: Körper, Sexualität und Medizin in muslimischen Gesellschaften, pp. 131-154, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, egypt, gender, muslims, prostitution

van Rossum, Matthias; Kamp, Jeannette (Ed.)

Desertion in the Early Modern World: A Comparative History Collection


Abstract | Tags: early modern history, globalisation, runaways, slavery, social control

Weber, Klaus; Steffen, Anka

Spinning and Weaving for the Slave Trade: Proto-industry in Eighteenth-Century Silesia Book Chapter

In: Brahm, Felix; Rosenhaft, Eve (Ed.): Slavery Hinterland: Transatlantic Slavery and Continental Europe, 1680-1850, pp. 87-107, 2016.

Tags: atlanic, early modern history, germany, proto-industry, slavery, textile industry

Zammit, William

Kissing the Gallows: A Cultural History of Crime, Torture and Punishment in Malta Book


Abstract | Tags: early modern history, malta, punishment

Živković, Predrag

Antropološka misao rizičnog društva [The Anthropological thought of a risky society] Book Chapter

In: Slobodan Vukićević, (Ed.): »Постсоциализм (Черногория-Россия 1990-2015)« Москва: МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова Социологический факультет / Институт социологии и психологии Филозофский факультет Черногории, pp. 333-376, 2016.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, contemporary, neoliberalism, post-socialism


Spicksley, Judith

Contested enslavement: the Portuguese in Angola and the problem of debt, c. 1600-1800 Journal Article

In: Itinerario , vol. 39, iss. 2, pp. 247-275, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: africa, angola, atlanic, debt, early modern history, slavery

Achim, Viorel

Munca forţată în Transnistria: “Organizarea muncii” evreilor şi romilor, decembrie 1942 – martie 1944 [The Forced Labour in Transnistria: The “Labour Organization” for Jews and Roma, December 1942-March 1944] Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, jewish, roma, romania

Achim, Viorel

The Forced Labour of the Gypsies in Transnistria: The Regulation of December 1942 and the Reality on the Ground Book Chapter

In: Historical Yearbook XI-XII, pp. 209-224, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, fascism, forced labour, roma, romania

Casu, Igor

The Fate of Stalinist Victims in Soviet Moldavia After 1953: Amnesty, Pardon and the Long Road to Rehabilitation Book Chapter

In: McDermott, Kevin; Stibbe, Matthew (Ed.): De-Stalinising Eastern Europe: The Rehabilitation of Stalin’s Victims After 1953, pp. 186-203, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, socialism, soviet union

Latinović, Goran

Jugoslovensko-švedski odnosi (1941‒1945) [Yugoslav-Swedish relations] Journal Article

In: Istorija 20. veka [20th century history], vol. XXXIII, iss. 1, pp. 45‒60, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, forced labour, sweden, yugoslavia

Ristovska-Josifovska, Biljana

Remembrance on the Migration Movements in Macedonia after the Russian-Ottoman War of 1877-1878 Journal Article

In: Balkanistic Forum, vol. XXIV, iss. 3, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, central and eastern europe, macedonia, migration and mobility, ottoman empire, russia

Rossi, Benedetta

From Slavery to Aid: Politics, Labour, and Ecology in the Nigerien Sahel, 1800-2000 Book


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, africa, development

Schiel, Juliane

Slaves’ Religious Choice in Renaissance Venice: Applying Insights from Missionary Narratives to Slave Baptism Records Journal Article

In: Archivio Veneto, iss. 146, pp. 23-45, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: christianity, italy, medieval history, slavery

Weber, Klaus

Linen, Silver, Slaves, and Coffee: A Spatial Approach to Central Europe’s Entanglements with the Atlantic Eco­nomy Journal Article

In: Culture & History Digital Journal, vol. 4, iss. 2, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: atlanic, central and eastern europe, commodity chains, slavery, spatial history, textile industry

Weber, Klaus

Mitteleuropa und der transatlantische Sklavenhandel: eine lange Geschichte [Central Europe and the trans-atlantic slave trade: a long (hi)story] Journal Article

In: WerkstattGeschichte, iss. 66-67, pp. 7-30, 2015.

Tags: atlanic, central and eastern europe, slavery

Weber, Klaus

Von der Plantage zum ‚working prison‘. Ein kurzer Überblick zur Historiographie der Sklaverei [From the plantation to the ‚working prison‘. A short overview about the historiography of slavery] Book Chapter

In: Graf, Friedrich Wilhelm; Hanke, Edith; Picht, Barbara (Ed.): Geschichte intellektuell. Theoriegeschichtliche Perspekti­ven, pp. 335-355, 2015.

Tags: historiography, slaver

Weber, Klaus

Blurred Concepts of Slavery Book Chapter

In: Hilgendorf, Eric; Marschelke, Jan; Sekora, Karin (Ed.): Slavery as a Global and Regional Phenomenon, pp. 17-47, 2015.

Tags: historiography, slavery


Almagro-Vidal, Clara

Moros al Servicio de las Órdenes Militares en Castilla: Algunas Reflexiones Conference

Actas del XIII Simposio Internacional de Mudejarismo Celebrado en Teruel, 4-5 septiembre de 2014, 2014.

Tags: medieval history, military, muslims, spain

Angelova, Milena

“The Model Village”. The modernization Project of the Villages in Bulgaria (1937-1944) Journal Article

In: MARTOR (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Review) , vol. 19, pp. 89-96, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, sociology

Casu, Igor (Ed.)

At the Origins of Sovietization of Bessarabia: Identification of Class Enemies, Confiscations of Property and Work Mobilization in Moldavian SSR, 1940-1941. Collection

2014, ((in Russian, with summary and names of the documents in English and Romanian)).

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, forced labour, socialism, soviet union

Centrih, Lev

The Road to Collapse: The Demise of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia. Online

2014, visited: 01.01.2014.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, socialism, work brigades, yugoslavia

Gluchman, Vasil

Professional Ethics as Work Ethics and Ethics of Relations Book


Abstract | Tags: philosophy, work ethics

Greenfield-Liebst, Michelle

African Workers and the Universities‘ Mission to Central Africa in Zanzibar, 1864–1900 Journal Article

In: Journal of Eastern African Studies, vol. 8, iss. 3, pp. 366-381, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, africa, christianity, slavery, Zanzibar

Guzowski, Piotr

The Role of Enforced Labour in the Economic Development of Church and Royal Estates in 15th and 16th-century Poland Book Chapter

In: Cavaciocchi, Simonetta (Ed.): Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th-18th centuries, pp. 216-234, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, economic development, medieval history, poland, serfdom

Hackett, Sarah

From rags to restaurants: self-determination, entrepreneurship and integration amongst Muslim immigrants in Newcastle upon Tyne in comparative perspective, 1960s-1990s Journal Article

In: Twentieth Century British History, vol. 25, iss. 1, pp. 132-154, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, ethnic and religious minorities, germany, labour markets, migration and mobility, united kingdom

Ivanović, Miloš

Razvitak vojne službe kao osnov formiranja vlasteoskog sloja u srpskoj srednjovekovnoj državi [Development of Military Service as Foundation for Creation of Nobility in Medieval Serbia] Journal Article

In: Vojnoistorijski glasnik [Military Historical Review], vol. 1, pp. 30-48, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, medieval history, military, serbia

Mendiola, Fernando

Reeducation through work? Mountain roads in the Spanish concentration universe (Western Pyrenees, 1939-1942), Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 55, iss. 1, pp. 97-116, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, forced labour, spain

Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Grigore Trancu-Iaşi şi “protecţia muncii naţionale”: Politica socială interbelică între naţionalism şi combaterea şomajului [Grigore Trancu-Iaşi and the “protection of national labor”: Interwar social policy between nationalism and the fight against unemployment] Journal Article

In: Transilvania , vol. 10-11, pp. 64-72, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, labour markets, romania

Pargas, Damian Alan

Slavery and Forced Migration in the Antebellum South Book


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, migration and mobility, slavery, united states

Hofmeester, Karin; Lucassen, Jan; da Silva, Filipa Ribeiro

No Global history without Africa: Reciprocal Comparison and Beyond Journal Article

In: History in Africa. A Journal of Method, iss. 41, pp. 249-276, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: africa, global labour history, longue duree

Schiel, Juliane; Hanß, Stefan (Ed.)

Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500-1800). Neue Perspektiven auf mediterrane Sklaverei (500–1800) Collection


Abstract | Tags: early modern history, historical semantics, medieval history, mediterranean, slavery

Stanziani, Alessandro

Bondage: Labor and Rights in Eurasia from the Sixteenth to the Early Twentieth Centuries. Book


Abstract | Tags: abolition, bonded labour, central asia, europe, indian ocean, intendured labour, longue duree, russia, slavery

Terra, Paulo Cruz

Free and Unfree Labour and Ethnic Conflicts in the Brazilian Transport Industry: Rio de Janeiro in the Nineteenth Century Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History , vol. 59, iss. 1, pp. 113-132, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, brazil, race, working conditions

Wunsch, Cornelia; Rachel, Magdalene F.

Freedom and Dependency: Neo-Babylonian Manumission Documents with Oblation and Service Obligation Book Chapter

In: Kozuh, Michael; Henkelman, Wouter F. M.; Jones, Charles E.; Woods, Christopher (Ed.): Extraction and Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper, pp. 337-346, 2014.

Tags: ancient history, babylonia, dependency, service


нгелова, Милена

Безсмъртният герой като колега: колективният ритуал “Героят е винаги в строя” (1977-1989) [The Immortal Hero as a Co-worker: The Collective ritual “The Hero is Always in Our Lines”, 1977-1989] Book Chapter

In: Koleva, Daniela (Ed.): Death under Socialism: Heroics and Postheroics, pp. 115-128, 2013.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, bulgaria, central and eastern europe, socialism, work brigades

Bartha, Eszter

Alienating Labour: Workers on the Road from Socialism to Capitalism in East Germany and Hungary. Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, capitalism, economic and social policy, german democratic republic, germany, hungary, post-socialism, socialism, working class

Guzowski, Piotr

The Peasant Land Market in Late Medieval and Early Modern Poland, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Book Chapter

In: Béaur, Gerard (Ed.): Property Rights, Land Markets and Economic Growth in the European Countryside (13th–20th Centuries), pp. 219–237, 2013.

Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, early modern history, medieval history, poland, property relations

Hackett, Sarah

Foreigners, Minorities and Integration: The Muslim Immigrant Experience in Britain and Germany. Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, ethnic and religious minorities, germany, migration and mobility, muslims, united kingdom

Lopata, Maryan; Mastyka, Andrey; Tarita, Marius

The Deportations from the Neighbouring Chernivtsy Region (Ukraine) in 1944-1953 and from the Bricheny, Oknitsa and Edinets Regions (Moldova) in 1949-1951 Booklet


Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, deportation, ukraine

Sefer, Akın

From Class Solidarity to Revolution: The Radicalization of Arsenal Workers in the Late Ottoman Empire Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History, vol. 58, iss. 3, pp. 395-428, 2013.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, ottoman empire, revolt and revolution, working class

Spicksley, Judith

The decline of slavery for debt in Western Europe in the medieval period Book Chapter

In: Cavaciocchi, Simonetta (Ed.): Schiavitù e Servaggio nell’Economia Europea Secc. XI-XVIII [Serfdom and Slavery in the European Economy 11th–18th Centuries], pp. 465-86, 2013.

Abstract | Tags: christianity, medieval history, slavery, western europe

Spicksley, Judith

Pawns on the Gold Coast: the rise of Asante and shifts in security for debt, 1680-1750 Journal Article

In: Journal of African History, vol. 54, iss. 2, pp. 147-175, 2013.

Abstract | Tags: africa, debt, early modern history, gold coast

Chevaleyre, Claude

Acting As Master and Bondservant: Considerations on Status, Identities and the Nature of “Bond-Servitude” in Late Ming China Book Chapter

In: Stanziani, Alessandro (Ed.): 2013.

Tags: bonded labour, china, early modern history, service


Casu, Igor

Political Repressions in Moldavian SSR after 1956: Towards a Typology Based on KGB files Journal Article

In: Dystopia. Journal of Totalitarian Ideologies and Regimes, vol. 1-2, pp. 89-127, 2012.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, socialism, soviet union

Kučera, Rudolf

Marginalizing Josefina: Work, Gender, and Protest in Bohemia 1820–1844 Journal Article

In: Journal of Social History, vol. 46, iss. 2, pp. 430-448, 2012.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, bohemian lands, gender, labour movements, working class

Tărîță, Marius

Deportations and Forced Labour: Forms of Remembering in the Villages of Arboreny, Boian and Mahala (Chernivtsy Region, Ukraine) Journal Article

In: Interstitio: East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology, no. 1-2, pp. 126-135, 2012.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, deportation, fascism, forced labour, romania, ukraine

Wunsch, Cornelia; Rachel, Magdalene F.

A Slave Is not Supposed to Wear such a Garment Journal Article

In: Kaskal , vol. 9, pp. 99-120, 2012.

Tags: ancient history, babylonia, slavery


Guzowski, Piotr

The influence of exports on grain production on Polish royal demesne farms in the second half of the sixteenth century Journal Article

In: Agricultural History Review, vol. 59, pp. 312-327, 2011.

Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, early modern history, economic development, poland

Seppel, Marten

Landlords’ Medical Care for their Serfs in the Baltic Provinces of the Russian Empire Journal Article

In: Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 89, iss. 2, pp. 201-223, 2011.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, baltic states, early modern history, russia, serfdom

Škodrić, Ljubinka

Prosvetni radnici u ideologiji Vlade Milana Nedića 1941-1944 [Educational Workers as Part of General Milan Nedić’s Government Ideology 1941-1944] Journal Article

In: Istorija, vol. 20, iss. 1, pp. 151-163, 2011.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, education, serbia

Wunsch, Cornelia; Rachel, Magdalene F.

Slavery between Judah and Babylon: The Exilic Experience Book Chapter

In: Culbertson, Laura (Ed.): Slaves and Household in the Near East, pp. 113-134, 2011.

Tags: ancient history, babylonia, household, slavery


Ćeranić, Goran

Social exclusiveness and the character of competitiveness of the montenegrin social system Journal Article

In: Sociološka luča, vol. IV, iss. 2, pp. 21-37, 2010.

Abstract | Tags: contemporary, economic and social policy, montenegro, sociology

Milićević, Nataša

Neke forme prinudnog rada u Srbiji 1944-1950 [Certain Types of Forced Labour in Serbia 1944-1950] Book Chapter

In: Gajger, Vladimir; Grahek-Ravančić, Martina; Karakaš-Obradov, Marica (Ed.): Logori, zatvori i prisilni rad u Hrvatskoj/Jugoslaviji 1941-1945 [Camps, prisons and forced labour in Croatia/Yugoslavia 1941-1945, 1945-1951], pp. 183-203, 2010.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, serbia, socialism

Özbek, Müge Telci

The Regulation of Prostitution in Beyoğlu, 1875-1915 Journal Article

In: Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 46, iss. 4, 2010.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, class, gender, ottoman empire, prostitution, turkey


Milićević, Nataša

Југословенска власт и српско грађанство 1944-1950 [The Yugoslav Authorities and Serbian Bourgeoisie 1944-1950] Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, serbia, socialism, yugoslavia

Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Comitetul oamenilor muncii [Workers’ committe] Journal Article

In: Arhivele Totalitarismului, vol. 1-2, pp. 221-227, 2009.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, romania, socialism

Škodrić, Ljubinka

Ministarstvo prosvete i vera u Srbiji 1941-1944. Sudbina institucije pod okupacijom, 443 p. [Ministry of Education and Religion in Serbia 1941-1944. The Fate of the Institution under the Occupation] Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, civil servants, education, fascism, serbia


Krivokapić, Nataša

Teorijski pristupi slobodnom vremenu [Theoretical Approaches to Leisure Time] Book


Abstract | Tags: contemporary, leisure, working time

Weber, Klaus; Meissner, Jochen; Mücke, Ulrich

Schwarzes Amerika. Eine Geschichte der Sklaverei [Black America. A History of Slavery] Book


Tags: 19th century, early modern history, latin america, slavery, united states


Ćeranić, Goran

Sociological analysis of property transformation in Montenegro (1989–2000) Journal Article

In: Sociološka luča, vol. I, iss. 1, pp. 110-119, 2007.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, montenegro, post-socialism, property relations, sociology

290 entries « 3 of 3 »