290 entries « 2 of 3 »


Campbell, Gwyn; Stanziani, Alessandro (Ed.)

The Palgrave Handbook of Human Rights and Bondage in the Indian Ocean and Africa Collection


Abstract | Tags: africa, bonded labour, forced labour, humanitarianism, indian ocean, longue duree

Suodenjoki, Sami; Enbom, Leena; Pesonen, Pete

Valvottu ja kuritettu työläinen. Book


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, contemporary, finland, housing, social control, working class

Zimmermann, Susan

“It Shall Not Be a Written Gift, But a Lived Reality.” Equal Pay, Women’s Work, and the Politics of Labor in State-Socialist Hungary, Late 1960s to Late 1970s Book Chapter

In: Siefert, Marsha (Ed.): Labor in State-Socialist Europe: Contributions to a Global History of Work, pp. 337-372, 2020.

Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, gender, hunga, socialism

Schiel, Juliane

The Ragusan “Maids-of-all-Work”. Shifting Labor Relations in the Late Medieval Adriatic Sea Region Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Slavery, vol. 5, iss. 2, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: bonded labour, labour markets, medieval history, mediterranean, service, sla

Weber, Klaus; Voss, Karsten

Their Most Valuable and Most Vulnerable Asset: Slaves on the Early Sugar Plantations of Saint-Domingue (1697-1715) Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Slavery, vol. 5, iss. 2, pp. 204-237, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: caribbean, colonialism, early modern history, slavery

Chevaleyre, Claude

The Abolition of Slavery and the Status of Slaves in Late Imperial China Book Chapter

In: Campbell, Gwyn; Stanziani, Alessandro (Ed.): pp. 57-82, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, abolition, china, slavery

Rydén, Göran; Evans, Chris

Stocktaking at Christiansborg: Metals and Slaves in the Danish Atlantic Trade at the Mid-Eighteenth Century Book Chapter

In: Weiss, Holger (Ed.): Locating the Global. Spaces, Networks and Interactions from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century, pp. 117-146, 2020.

Tags: atlanic, denmark, early modern history, scandinavia, slavery


Almagro-Vidal, Clara

“Our Moors”: Military Orders and Unfree Muslims in the Kingdom of Castile Book Chapter

In: Morton, Nicholas (Ed.): The Military Orders, Vol. VII: Piety, Pugnacity and Property, pp. 139-148, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: medieval history, military, muslims, spain

Narlı, Nilüfer; Akdemir, Ayşegül

Female Emotional Labour in Turkish Call Centres: Smiling Voices Despite Low Job Satisfaction Journal Article

In: Sociological Research Online, vol. 24, iss. 3, pp. 278-296, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: emotional labour, gender, qualitative research, sociology, turkey, working conditions

Angelova, Milena

Тhe Transfer of Modern Agricultural Knowledge among the Bulgarians in the Danube Province (1860s–1870s) Book Chapter

In: Iakovos D. Michailidis, Antoniou Giorgos (Ed.): Institution Building and Research under Foreign Domination Europe and the Black Sea Region (early 19th–early 20th centuries), pp. 93-106, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, agrarian labour and rural history, bulgaria, central and eastern europe

Bartha, Eszter

“This Workers’ Hostel Lost Almost Every Bit of Added Value It Had”: Workers’ Hostels, Social Rights and Legitimization in Hungary and the German Democratic Republic Book Chapter

In: Siefert, Marsha (Ed.): Labor in State-Socialist Europe after 1945: Contributions to a History of Work, pp. 167-194, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, german democratic republic, housing, hungary, socialism

Brgles, Branimir

Ljudi, prostor i mijene. Susedgradsko i donjostubičko vlastelinstvo 1450.–1700. Prilog istraživanju ranonovovjekovnih ruralnih društava [People, space and time. Susedgrad and Donja Stubica manorial estate 1450-1700. Contribution to the research of early modern rural societies]. Book


Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, early modern history, medieval history

Caracausi, Andrea

Fashion, Capitalism and Ribbon-Making in Early Modern Europe Book Chapter

In: Safley, Thomas Max (Ed.): Labor Before the Industrial Revolution: Work, Technology and Their Ecologies in an Age of Early Capitalism, pp. 48-69, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: capitalism, early modern history, europe, textile industry

Egry, Gábor; Barna, Ábrahám (Ed.)

Összeomlás uralomváltás, nemzetállam-építés, 1918-1925 [Collapse, change of government, nation-state building]. Collection


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, hungary, nation state, romania

Fudge, Judy

(Re)Conceptualizing Unfree Labour: Local Labour Control Regimes and Constraints on Workers‘ Freedoms‘ Journal Article

In: Global Labour Journal , vol. 10, iss. 2, pp. 108-122, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: capitalism, contemporary, dependency, forced labour, labour markets, new history of work, slavery

Heinsen, Johan

Escaping St. Thomas: Class Relations and Convict Strategies in the Danish West Indies, 1672-1687 Book Chapter

In: Rediker, Marcus; Chakrabort, Titas; van Rossum, Matthias (Ed.): A Global History of Runaways: Workers, Mobility, and Capitalism, pp. 40.57, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: caribbean, convict labour, denmark, early modern history, forced labour, punishment, runaways, scandinavia

Jarska, Natalia

Unemployment in State Socialism: An Insight into the Understanding of Work in 1950s Poland Book Chapter

In: Siefert, Marsha (Ed.): Labor in State Socialist Europe after 1945: Contributions to to a History of Work, pp. 27-47, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, poland, socialism, unemployment

Jarska, Natalia

Female Breadwinners in State Socialism: The Value of Women’s Work for Wages in Post-Stalinist Poland Journal Article

In: Contemporary European History, vol. 4, pp. 469-483, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, gender, poland, public opinion, socialism, sociology

Kaarsholm, Preben; Frederiksen, Bodil Folke

Amaoti and Pumwani: Studying Urban Informality in South Africa and Kenya Journal Article

In: African Studies, vol. 79, iss. 1, pp. 51-73, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: africa, contemporary, informality, kenya, qualitative research, South Africa, urbanity

Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Rumänien [Economic and Social Policy in Romania] Book Chapter

In: Backes, Uwe; Heydemann, Günther; Vollnhals, Clemens (Ed.): Staatssozialismen im Vergleich: Staatspartei – Sozialpolitik – Opposition, pp. 327-346, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, romania, socialism

Mitsiou, Ekaterini; Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes

Mercantile and Religious Mobility between Byzantines, Latins and Muslims, 1200-1500: On the Theory and Practice of Social Networks Journal Article

In: Medieval Worlds, vol. 9, pp. 187-217, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: byzantium, medieval history, mercantile relations, muslims, network analysis

Mocarelli, Luca; Ongaro, Giulio

Work in Early Modern Italy, 1500-1800 Book


Abstract | Tags: early modern history, italy, mediterranean

Müller, Viola

Early Undocumented Workers: Runaway Slaves and African Americans in the American Urban South, c. 1830-1860 Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 60, pp. 865-868, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, race, runaways, slavery, united states

Ongaro, Giulio

Il lavoro militare nella prima età moderna (xvi-xvii sec.): soldati, guastatori e galeotti tra subordinazione e agency Journal Article

In: MEFRIM: Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines, vol. 131, iss. 1, pp. 15-27, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, military

Özkoray, Hayri Gökşin

From Persecution to (Potential) Emancipation: Female Slaves and Legal Violations in Ottoman Istanbul according to Court Registers (16th-17th Centuries) Journal Article

In: Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, vol. 17, iss. 2-3, pp. 257-280, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, ottoman empire, slavery

Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes

From one edge of the (post)Sasanian world to the other. Mobility and migration between the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Persian Gulf in the 4th to 9th centuries CE Book Chapter

In: Asutay-Effenberger, Neslihan; Daim, Falko (Ed.): Sasanian Elements in Byzantine, Caucasian and Islamic Art and Culture, pp. 9-17., 2019.

Abstract | Tags: caucasus, islamic world, medieval history, migration and mobility

Prisac, Lidia

Sub ocrotirea “fratelui mai mare” sau despre “naţionalităţile conlocuitoare” din R(A)SS Moldovenească Book Chapter

In: Corobca, Liliana (Ed.): Panorama comunismului în Moldova sovietică. Context, surse, interpretări,, pp. 414-436, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, ethnic and religious minorities, soviet union

Rediker, Marcus; Chakraborty, Titas; van Rossum, Matthias (Ed.)

A Global History of Runaways: Workers, Mobility, and Capitalism 1600-1850 Collection


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, capitalism, early modern history, global labour history, migration and mobility, runaways

Ruoss, Matthias

Die neuen Freiwilligen. Gemeinnützigkeit in der Schweiz, 1970-1990 Journal Article

In: Historische Zeitschrift, iss. Beihefte 76, pp. 153-168, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, economic and social policy, feminism, switzerland, voluntarism

Sarti, Raffaella

Le “nom de domestique” est un “mot vague”. Débats parlementaires sur la domesticité pendant la Révolution française Journal Article

In: Mélanges de l’École française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée modernes et contemporaines, vol. 131, iss. 1, pp. 39-52, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: domestic service, france, gender, historical semantics, service

Sarti, Raffaella

Can Historians Speak? A Few Thoughts and Proposals on a Possible Global History of Domestic Service/Work Book Chapter

In: Sinha, Nitin; Varma, Nitin (Ed.): Servants Pasts. Sixteenth to Eighteenth Century. South Asia, vol. 1., 2019.

Abstract | Tags: domestic service, early modern history, gender, historical semantics, household

Škobla, Daniel; Filčák, Richard

Mundane Populism: Politics, Practices and Discourses of Roma Oppression in Rural Slovakia Journal Article

In: Sociologia Ruralis, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, contemporary, roma, slovakia, sociology

Štofaník, Jakub

The Religious Life of the Industrial Working Class in the Czech Lands Journal Article

In: East Central Europe, vol. 46, pp. 99-110, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, czechia, history of everyday life, religion, working class

Suodenjoki, Sami

Turning the landless into socialists: Agrarian reforms and resistance as drivers of political mobilisation in Finland, 1880-1914 Book Chapter

In: Regan, Joe; Smith, Cathal (Ed.): Agrarian Reform and Resistance in an Age of Globalisation: The Euro-American World and Beyond, 1780-1914, pp. 170-184, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, finland, labour movements, socialism, working class

Popinigis, Fabiane; Terra, Paulo Cruz

Classe, raça e a história social do trabalho no Brasil (2001-2016) Journal Article

In: Estudos Históricos, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: brazil, gender, historiography, latin america, race, working class

Tornhill, Sofie

The Business of Women’s Empowerment. Corporate Gender Politics in the Global South Book


Abstract | Tags: business history, contemporary, development, ethnography, gender, informality, qualitative research, sociology

Tornhill, Sofie

The Business of Women’s Empowerment. Corporate Gender Politics in the Global South Book


Abstract | Tags: business history, contemporary, development, ethnography, gender, informality, qualitative research, sociology

Ulrich, Nicole

“Journeying into Freedom”: Traditions of Desertion at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1795 Book Chapter

In: Rediker, Marcus; Chakraborty, Titas; van Rossum, Matthias (Ed.): A Global History of Runaways: Workers, Mobility and Capitalism, 1600-1850, pp. 115-134, 2019.

Tags: africa, early modern history, runaways, South Africa

Valuch, Tibor

The World of Labor and Workers in Modern East-Central Europe: Introduction to the Thematic Issue Journal Article

In: East Central Europe, vol. 46, pp. 1-8, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, global labour history, historiography

Viitaniemi, Ella

Muurarimestari Kustaa Stenman ja katumaton maailma. Pietismi, kirjoittaminen ja kokemuksen siirtäminen länsisuomalaisella maaseudulla 1700-jälkipuoliskolla [Master mason Kustaa Stenman and the unrepentant world. Piestism, Literacy and the Transition of Experience in the Western Finland] Book Chapter

In: Annola, Johanna; Kivimäki, Ville; Malinen, Antti (Ed.): pp. 75–112, 2019.

Tags: early modern history, finland, religion

Hotson, Howard; Wallnig, Thomas (Ed.)

Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age. Standards, Systems, Scholarship Bachelor Thesis


Abstract | Tags: digital humanities, early modern history, historical semantics

Zammit, William

The Faith Triumphant: Muslim Converts to Catholicism and the Order of St John, 1530-1798 Book Chapter

In: Morton, Nicholas (Ed.): The Military Orders, Vol. VII: Piety, Pugnacity and Property, pp. 160-171, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: christianity, early modern history, malta, muslims, religion

Özbek, Müge Telci

"Disorderly Women" and the Politics of Urban Space in Early Twentieth-Century Istanbul, 1900-1914 Book Chapter

In: Cronin, Stephanie (Ed.): Crime, Poverty and Survival in the Middle East and North Africa: The 'Dangerous Classes' since 1800, pp. 51-64, 2019.

Tags: 20th century, gender, ottoman empire, turkey, urbanity


Rahi-Tamm, Aigi

Forced Migration of Estonian Citizens to the East 1941-1951: Some Similarities with the Accounts of People Who Fled to the Fest Book Chapter

In: Saueauk, Meelis; Hiio, Toomas (Ed.): Proceedings of the Estonian Institute of Historical Memory. Eesti Mälu Instituudi toimetised, pp. 271-304, 2018.

Tags: 20th century, baltic states, fascism, migration and mobility

Narlı, Nilüfer; Akdemir, Ayşegül

Job Satisfaction in Turkish Call Centres Book Chapter

In: Babacan, Hasan; Premovic, Marijan (Ed.): Academic Studies in Social, Human and Administrative Sciences, pp. 101-123, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: quantitative research, sociology, turkey, working conditions

Almagro-Vidal, Clara

Más Allá de la Aljama: Comunidades Musulmanas bajo el Dominio de la Orden de Calatrava en Castilla Journal Article

In: En la España Medieval, vol. 41, pp. 9-22, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: medieval history, military, muslims, religion, spain

Brgles, Branimir

Tko se buni pod Susedgradom i Stubicom? Prilog proučavanju društvenih nemira 1565.–1573. [Who is rebelling at Susedgrad and Stubica? Contribution to the research of the 1565–1573 peasant revolts] Journal Article

In: Povijesni priloz, vol. 55, pp. 139-204, 2018.

Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, croatia, early modern history, revolt and revolution

Brgles, Branimir

Second Serfdom in Croatia and Slavonia 1500-1700 Workshop

EAST. The Eastern European Economic History Initiative. The Origins and Legacies of the Little Divergence in Central and Eastern Europe. Weast Worskhop., Vienna, 2018.

Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, croatia, early modern history, serfdom

Caracausi, Andrea

Woollen Manufacturing in the Early Modern Mediterranean (1550–1630): Changing Labour Relations in a Commodity Chain Book Chapter

In: Vito, Christian De; Geritsen, Anne (Ed.): Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour, pp. 147-169, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: commodity chains, early modern history, mediterranean, micro-spatial history, textile industry

Filčák, Richard; Szilvasi, Marek; Škobla, Daniel

No Water for the Poor: The Roma Ethnic Minority and Local Governance Journal Article

In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 41, iss. 7, pp. 1390-1407, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: contemporary, infrastructure, roma, slovakia, sociology

Fudge, Judy

Modern Slavery, Unfree Labour and the Labour Market: The Social Dynamics of Legal Characterization Journal Article

In: Social and Legal Studies, vol. 27, iss. 4, pp. 413-434, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: capitalism, contemporary, labour markets, marxism, slavery, united kingdom

García-Funes, Juan Carlos

Batallones de trabajo forzado del sistema concentracionario franquista: organización, desarrollo y cuantificación de mano de obra cautiva [Forced Labour Battalions of the Francoist Concentrational System: Organization, Development and Quantification of Captive Labour] Book Chapter

In: Gómez-Bravo, Gutmaro; Martín-Nájera, Aurelio (Ed.): A vida o muerte. Persecución a los republicanos españoles., 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, fascism, forced labour, quantitative research, spain

Gluchman, Vasil

Theories of Professional Ethics Conference

Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, vol. 12, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: philosophy, work ethics

Harnoncourt, Julia

Unfreie Arbeit: Trabalho escravo in der brasilianischen Landwirtschaft [Unfree labour. Trabalho escravo in the agricultural sector in Brazil] Book


Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, brazil, forced labour, latin america, qualitative research, slavery

Harnoncourt, Julia

Trabalho Escravo im Amazonasgebiet: Peripherisierung, unfreie Arbeit und Weltmarkt Journal Article

In: Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 315-336, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: brazil, contemporary, forced labour, globalisation, latin america

Heinsen, Johan

The Scandinavian Empires in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Book Chapter

In: C, lare Anderson (Ed.): A Global History of Convicts and Penal Colonies, pp. 97-122, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: convict labour, early modern history, punishment, scandinavia

Jarska, Natalia

The Periphery Revisited: Polish Post-war Historiography on the Working Class and the New Global Labour History Journal Article

In: European Review of History, vol. 25, iss. 1, pp. 45-60, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, global labour history, historiography, poland, socialism, working class

Kuldova, Tereza

The “Ethical Sell” in the Indian Luxury Fashion Business Book Chapter

In: Pouillard, Véronique; Blaszczyk, Regina Lee (Ed.): European fashion: The creation of a global industry, pp. 263-282, 2018.

Tags: contemporary, india, textile industry

Lambrecht, Thijs

Harvest Work and Labor Market Regulation in Old Regime Northern France Journal Article

In: pp. 113-131, 2018.

Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, early modern history, france, labour markets

Lambrecht, Thijs; Winter, Anne

An Old Poor Law on the Continent? Agrarian Capitalism, Poor Taxes, and Village Conflict in Eighteenth-Century Coastal Flanders Journal Article

In: Economic History Review, vol. 71, iss. 4, pp. 1173-1198, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, early modern history, economic and social policy, flanders

Mendiola, Fernando

Of Firms and Captives: Railway Infrastructures and the Economics of Forced Labour (Spain, 1937-1957) Journal Article

In: Revista de Historia Industrial, iss. 68, pp. 165-192, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, convict labour, fascism, forced labour, spain

Milićević, Nataša

Činovnici u okupiranoj Srbiji 1941-1944 [Civil Servants in Occupied Serbia 1941-1944] Journal Article

In: Istorija , vol. 20, pp. 69-86, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, civil servants, serbia

Müller, Viola

Illegal but Ignored: Slave Refugees in Richmond, Virginia, 1800-1860 Book Chapter

In: Pargas, Damian Alan (Ed.): Fugitive Slaves and Spaces of Freedom in North America, 1775-1860, pp. 137-167, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, slavery, united states

Bonazza, Giulia; Ongaro, Giulio

Libertà e Coercizione: Il Lavoro in una Prospettiva di Lungo Periodo Book


Abstract | Tags: dependency, historiography, longue duree

Østhus, Hanne

Slaver og ikke-europeiske tjenestefolk i Danmark og Norge på 1700- og begynnelsen av 1800-tallet Journal Article

In: Arbeiderhistorie, vol. 22, pp. 33-47, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, denmark, domestic service, early modern history, norway, service, slavery

Pargas, Damian Alan (Ed.)

Fugitive Slaves and Spaces of Freedom in North America, Gainesville Collection


Abstract | Tags: canada, caribbean, mexico, slavery, united states

Rahi-Tamm, Aigi

Doubly Marginalized People: The Hidden Stories of Estonian Society (1940-1960) Book Chapter

In: Lazar Fleishman,; Weiner, Amir (Ed.): War, Revolution, and Governance: The Baltic Countries in the Twentieth Century, 2018.

Tags: 20th century, baltic states

Rahi-Tamm, Aigi

Homeless for Ever: The Contents of Home and Homelessness on the Example of Deportees from Estonia Book Chapter

In: Davoliute, Violeta; Balkelis, Tomas (Ed.): Narratives of Exile and Identity in Soviet Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States, pp. 65-84, 2018.

Tags: 20th century, baltic states, deportation, housing

Sarti, Raffaella; Bellavitis, Anna; Martini, Manuela (Ed.)

What is Work? Gender at the Crossroads of Home, Family, and Business from the Early Modern Era to the Present Collection


Abstract | Tags: gender, household, longue duree

Stanziani, Alessandro

Labor on the Fringes of Empire. Voice, Exit and the Law Book


Abstract | Tags: abolition, africa, bonded labour, india, indian ocean, slavery

Stojić, Biljana

Kordun od razvojačenja do ujedinjenja (1881-1918) Book Chapter

In: za savremenu istoriju, Institut (Ed.): Kordun – od Vojne granice do Republike Srpske Krajine 1881-1995, pp. 19-134, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, central and eastern europe, ethnic and religious minorities, habsburg empire, serbia

Tolino, Serena

Eunuchs in the Fatimid Empire: Ambiguities, Gender and Sacredness Book Chapter

In: Höfert, Almut; Matthew M. Mesley, Matthew; Tolino, Serena (Ed.): Celibate and Childless Men in Power: Ruling Eunuchs and Bishops in the Pre-Modern World, pp. 246-266, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: gender, islamic world, medieval history, religion

Uppenberg, Carolina

I husbondens bröd och arbete. Kön, makt och kontrakt i det svenska tjänstefolkssystemet 1730–1860 [Servants and masters. Gender, contract, and power relations in the servant institution in Sweden, 1730-1860] PhD Thesis


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, domestic service, early modern history, gender, labour markets, service, sweden

Viitaniemi, Ella

Hyödyn aikakauden talouspolitiikka, vuokraviljely ja tilattomuuden kasvu [Utilitarian economic policy, tenant farming and growth of landless people] Book Chapter

In: Miettinen, Riikka; Viitaniemi, Ella (Ed.): Reunamailla. Tilattomat Länsi-Suomen maaseudulla 1600–1800 [On the Fringes. The Landless in Rural Western Finland 1600–1800], pp. 380–417, 2018.

Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, early modern history, economic and social policy, economic development, finland

Viitaniemi, Ella

Urban seasonal workers and rural church constructions in eighteenth-century Finland Book Chapter

In: Ojala-Fulwood, Maija (Ed.): Migration and Multi-ethnic Communities. Mobile People from the Late Middle-Ages to the Present, pp. 147–168, 2018.

Tags: early modern history, finland, wage labour

Živković, Predrag

Ideological ornamentation of postmodern geography. The case of Zagreb and Podgorica Journal Article

In: Annales. Series Historia et Sociologia, vol. 28, iss. 2, pp. 399-414, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, post-socialism, sociology, urbanity

Evans, Chris; Rydén, Göran

‘Voyage Iron’: An Atlantic Slave Trade Currency, its European Origins, and West African Impact Journal Article

In: Past & Present, vol. 239, iss. 1, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, africa, atlanic, commodity chains, early modern history, slavery, sweden

Pizzolato, Nico

Harvests of shame: enduring unfree labour in the twentieth-century United States, 1933–1964 Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 59, iss. 4, pp. 1-19, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, migration and mobility, race, united states


Byrne, Sian; Ulrich, Nicole; van der Walt, Lucien

Red, Black and Gold: FOSATU, South African Workerism, Syndicalism and the Nation Book Chapter

In: Webster, Edward; Pampillas, Karin (Ed.): The Unresolved National Question in South Africa, pp. 254-273, 2017.

Tags: 20th century, africa, labour movements, nation state, South Africa, trade unions, working class

Caracausi, Andrea

A Reassessment of the Role of Guild Courts in Disputes over Apprenticeship Contracts: A Case Study from Early Modern Italy Journal Article

In: Continuity and Change, vol. 32, iss. 1, pp. 85-114, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: apprenticeship, early modern history, italy, quantitative research, work contracts

Rossi, Benedetta

What “Development” Does to Work Journal Article

In: International Labor and Working Class, iss. 92, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, africa, development, international organisations

Achim, Viorel

The Gypsies in the Romanian Lands during the Middle Ages: Slavery Book Chapter

In: Damian Alan Pargas, Felicia Roşu (Ed.): Critical Readings on Global Slavery., vol. 4, pp. 983-1043, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, medieval history, roma, romania, slavery

Peter-Paul Bänziger, Mischa Suter (Ed.)

Histories of Productivity. Genealogical Perspectives on the Body and Modern Economy Book


Abstract | Tags: history of the body, modernity

Bartha, Eszter

Transforming Labour: From the Workers’ State to the Post-Socialist Re-Organization of Industry and Workplace Communities: Carl Zeiss Jena (East Germany) and Rába in Győr (Hungary) Journal Article

In: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte, vol. 58, iss. 2, pp. 413-438, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: germany, hungary, neoliberalism, post-socialism, symbolic capital, working class

Batista, Anamarija; Kovács, Szilvia; Lesky, Carina (Ed.)

Rethinking Density: Art, Culture, and Urban Practices. Book


Abstract | Tags: art, cultural studies, urbanity

Ćeranić, Goran

Montenegrin entrepreneurs’ material position and their self-assessment of business success Journal Article

In: Социологические исследования. Руска академија наук, vol. 4, pp. 116-121, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, business history, central and eastern europe, montenegro, socialism

Dobrincu, Dorin; Aioanei, Alexandru-Dumitru; Lisnic, Dumitru; Lăcătușu, Dumitru (Ed.)

Colectivizarea agriculturii din România: inginerie socială, violență politică, reacția țărănimii Collection


Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, romania

Egry, Gábor

Unholy Alliances? Language Exams, Loyalty, and Identification in Interwar Romania Journal Article

In: Slavic Review, vol. 76, iss. 4, pp. 959-982, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, nation state, romania

García-Funes, Juan Carlos

Espacios de castigo y trabajo forzado del sistema concentracionario franquista [Spaces of punishment and forced labour of the Francoist concentration system] PhD Thesis


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, fascism, forced labour, spain, spanish

Greenfield-Liebst, Michelle

Sin, Slave Status and the City in Zanzibar, 1864-c.1930 Journal Article

In: African Studies Review, vol. 60, pp. 139-60, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, africa, christianity, slavery, Zanzibar

Heinsen, Johan

Mutiny in the Danish Atlantic World: Convicts, Sailors and a Dissonant Empire Book


Abstract | Tags: atlanic, convict labour, denmark, scandinavia

Ivanović, Miloš

“Dobri ljudi” u srpskoj srednjovekovnoj državi [“Boni Homines” in Medieval Serbian State] Book


Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, medieval history, property relations, serbia, social structure

Ivanović, Miloš

Razvoj institucije imuniteta u srpskoj srednjovekovnoj državi do kraja vladavine kralja Milutina [Development of the Institution of Immunity in the Serbian Medieval State Until the End of Reign of King Milutin] Journal Article

In: Istorijski časopis , vol. LXVI, pp. 49-83, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, medieval history, serbia

Lambrecht, Thijs

The Institution of Service in Rural Flanders in the Sixteenth Century: A Regional Perspective Book Chapter

In: Whittle, Jane (Ed.): Servants in Rural Europe: 1400-1900, pp. 37-55, 2017.

Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, early modern history, flanders, service

Lisnic, Dumitru

Lagărul de Prizonieri 103 și Spitalul Special 3376 din Bălți Book Chapter

In: Stela Cheptea; Moldovan, Silviu (Ed.): Consecințele celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial în Spațiul Românesc, pp. 63-82, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, moldova

Mitsiou, Ekaterini; Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes

Moving Hands: Types and Scales of Labour Mobility in the Late Medieval Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1500 CE) Book Chapter

In: Gerritsen, Anne; Vito, Christian De (Ed.): Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour, pp. 29-67., 2017.

Tags: medieval history, mediterranean, migration and mobility

Østhus, Hanne

Servants in Rural Norway, ca. 1650-1800 Book Chapter

In: Whittle, Jane (Ed.): Servants in Rural Europe, ca. 1400-1900, pp. 113-130, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, early modern history, norway, service

Østhus, Hanne

Tvunget til tjeneste? Tjenesteplikten i Danmark-Norge på 1700-tallet og begynnelsen av 1800-tallet Journal Article

In: Arbetarhistoria, iss. 3-4, pp. 26-31, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: denmark, early modern history, household, norway, service

Özkoray, Hayri Gökşin

L’esclavage dans l’Empire ottoman (XVIe-XVIIe siècle). Fondements juridiques, structures socio-économiques, représentations Book


Tags: early modern history, ottoman empire, slavery

Pargas, Damian Alan

Urban Refugees: Fugitive Slaves and Spaces of Informal Freedom in the American South, 1800-1860 Journal Article

In: Journal of Early American History, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 262-284, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, slavery, united kingdom

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