290 entries « 1 of 3 »


Özbek, Müge Telci

Entangled Dependencies: The Case of the Runaway Domestic Worker Emine in Late Ottoman Istanbul, 1910 Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 20th century, domestic service, gender, ottoman empire, wage labour

Hasan, Mohammad Tareq

The Dilemma of Being a ‘Good Worker’: Cultural Discourse, Coercion and Resistance in Bangladesh’s Garment Factories Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: asia, bangladesh, contemporary, textile industry

Kuhn, Eva

Border Plants: Globalisation as Shown to us by the Women Living at its Leading Edge Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: contemporary, globalisation

de Souza, Marjorie Carvalho

Negotiating the Terms of Wage(less) Labour: Free and Freed Workers as Contractual Parties in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 19th century, brazil, latin america, wage labour

Pizzolato, Nico

Constructing Debt: Discursive and Material Strategies of Labour Coercion in the US South, 1903–1964 Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 20th century, debt, united states, wage labour

Petrova, Ivanka

Obligatory Contributions to Society: Student Foreign Language Guides as Seasonal Wage Workers in Socialist Bulgaria, 1970s–1980s Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 20th century, bulgaria, seasonal work, socialism, wage labour

Magagnoli, Paolo

To Put a Human Face on the Question of Labour: Photographic Portraiture and the Australian-Pacific Indentured Labour Trade Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 19th century, art, australia, intendured labour, photography

Batista, Anamarija

Word and Image in Communication: ‘Translation Loop’ as a Means of Historiographical Research Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: art, historiography, methodology

Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.)

Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art Collection


Abstract | Tags: art, wage labour

Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna

Coercion and Wage Labour in History and Art Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: art, wage labour

Sefer, Akın

In the Name of Order: (Im)mobilising Wage Labour for the Ottoman Naval Industry in the Nineteenth Century Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 19th century, ottoman empire, wage labour

Wadauer, Sigrid

Contracts under Duress: Work Documents as a Matter and Means of Conflict in the Habsburg Monarchy/ Austria in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 19th century, 20th century, austria, europe, habsburg empire, wage labour, work contracts

Milićević, Nataša; Škodrić, Ljubinka

Working for the Enemy: Civil Servants in Occupied Serbia, 1941–1944 Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, civ, serbia, wage labour

Őze, Eszter

Exploitation and Care: Public Health Aspirations and the Construction of the Working-Class Body in the Budapest Museum of Social Health, 1901–1945 Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, europe, history of the body, hungary, public health, working class

Arnaud, Colin

Subdued Wage Workers: Textile Production in Western and Islamic sources (Ninth to Twelfth centuries) Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: europe, islamic world, medieval history, textile industry, wage labour

Marcon, Gabriele

‘One gets rich, one hundred more work for nothing’: German miners in Medici Tuscany Book Chapter

In: Batista, Anamarija; Müller, Viola; Peres, Corinna (Ed.): Coercion and Wage Labour. Exploring Work Relations through History and Art, 2024.

Tags: early modern history, europe, germany, italy, mining, wage labour


Schiel, Juliane; Chevaleyre, Claude

Work Semantics. In Search of an Alternative Conceptual Matrix for Labour and Social Historians Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 9-17, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: global labour history, historical semantics, historiography, methodology

Geelhaar, Tim; Kuchenbuch, Ludolf; Perreaux, Nicolas; Schiel, Juliane; Schürch, Isabelle

Historical Semantics – A Vade Mecum Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 18-47, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, historical semantics, medieval history, methodology

Kuchenbuch, Ludolf; Schiel, Juliane

Über die Mikrosemantik von Einzeldokumenten. Ludolf Kuchenbuch im Gespräch mit Juliane Schiel Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 48-61, 2023.

Tags: historical semantics, medieval history, methodology

Karev, Ella

Nemeh in Pharaonic Egypt: ‘Free’ or ‘Miserable’? A Case Study of Historical Semantics Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 62-79, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: ancient history, dependency, egypt, historical semantics

Arnaurd, Colin

Trapped Maidens and Mocked Weavers. Semantics of Ambiguity Between Remunerated and Coerced Labour in Twelfth-Century Textile Production Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 80-105, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: historical semantics, medieval history, textile industry, western europe

Almagro-Vidal, Clara

Grammars of Dependence. A Historical Semantics Approach to Population Charters Granted by Military Orders to Muslims in Medieval Iberia Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 106-125, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: historical semantics, iberia, medieval history, military, muslims, spain

Peres, Corinna

Female Work Arrangements in the Datini Letters: Exploring the Semantic Roles and Negotiating Scopes of Servants, Slaves, and Wet Nurses Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 126-149, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: europe, gender, historical semantics, italy, medieval history, service, slavery

Köstlbauer, Josef

Subjugation by Labelling. Analysing the Semantics of Subservience in a Fugitive Slave Case from Eighteenth-Century Germany Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 150-174, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, europe, germany, historical semantics, slavery

Livi, Massimiliano

“I certainly wouldn’t call it work anymore”. The Reconfiguration of Work in Italy during the 1970s from a Historical Semantics Perspective Journal Article

In: Austrian Journal of Historical Studies, vol. 34, iss. 2, pp. 175-198, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, historical semantics, italy

Ricciardi, Ferrucio

Freedom of movement versus freedom of work? Coping with the mobility of indigenous workers in a palm oil concession in French Congo (1910-1940) Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 6, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, africa, colonialism, congo, migration and mobility, race

Rydén, Göran

Making iron, producing space! How coerced work defined a Swedish early modern ironmaking region Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 6, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, household, migration and mobility, mining, scandinavia, sweden

Prokić, Milica

‘We build Barren Island, Barren Island builds us’: Of imprisoned humans and mobilized stone in the Yugoslav Cominformist Labor Camp (1949–1956) Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 6, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, convict labour, forced labour, yugoslavia

Marcelline, Sanayi

Working the salterns. Convict workers in the natural salt pans of Hambantota, in British colonial Sri Lanka Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 6, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, colonialism, convict labour, punishment, sri lanka

Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.)

Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities Collection

De Gruyter, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: global labour history, longue duree, migration and mobility

Tammisto, Peeter

Runaway Serfs in 17th-Century Estland and Livland Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 48, iss. 5, pp. 615-634, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: baltic states, early modern history, estonia, runaways, serfdom

Bernardi, Claudia; Shahid, Amal; Özbek, Müge Telci

Reconsidering Labor Coercion Through the Logics of Im/mobility and the Environment Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 6, pp. 659-675, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: environment, migration and mobility

Flamigni, Matilde

“In Consequence of Considering Herself to be Free”. Freedom and (Im)mobility in the Trans-Imperial Caribbean Space of the 19th Century Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 6, pp. 676-690, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, abolition, caribbean, migration and mobility, slavery

Østhus, Hanne

The Case of Adam Jacobsen. Enslavement in 18th-Century Norway Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 48, iss. 5, pp. 635-655, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, norway, scandinavia, slavery

Valentin, Emilie Luther

How to Be(come) the Perfect Inmate? Working the System in the Prison Workhouse at Christianshavn, 1769–1789 Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 48, iss. 5, pp. 679-698, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: convict labour, denmar, early modern history, emotional labour, europe, punishment, scandinavia

Heinsen, Johan

Carceral Chains: Pathways through a Convict Labour Institution, 1690–1830 Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 48, iss. 5, pp. 656-678 , 2023.

Abstract | Tags: convict labour, denmark, early modern history, europe, punishment, scandinavia

Pargas, Damian Alan; Schiel, Juliane (Ed.)

The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History Book


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, abolition, ancient history, contemporary, early modern history, global labour history, longue duree, medieval history, slavery

Heinsen, Johan; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm; Østhus, Hanne

Labour and Coercion in the Nordic Region in the Early Modern Period: Connections, Ambiguities, Practices Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 48, iss. 5, pp. 551-571, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, europe, scandinavia

Heinemann, Julia; de Matos, Christine; Sundevall, Fia; Ahlbäck, Anders

Unpacking Coercion in Gendered War Labor Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 3, pp. 225-237, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: gender, military, war

Yılmaz, Gülay

Janissaries in the Making: Coerced Labor and Chivalric Masculinity in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 3, pp. 238-255, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, gender, military, ottoman empire, war

Agutter, Karen; Kevin, Catherine

From Forced to Coerced Labour: Displaced Mothers and Teen Girls in Post-World War II Australia Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 3, pp. 256-268, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, australia, gender, war

Henshaw, Alexis

De-centering Dichotomies in Wartime Labor: Trajectories of Gender, Coercion, and Agency in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (1964-2016) Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 2, pp. 269-286, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, colombia, contemporary, gender, latin america, military, war

Brooks, Emily

Coercive Patriotism: Gender, Militarism, and Auxiliary Police in New York City during World War II Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 3, pp. 287-303, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: gender, military, police, united states, war

Barton, Deborah

‘A Female Voice is Instrumental’: Gender, Propaganda, and Coerced Labor on the Eastern Front, 1943-1945 Journal Article

In: Labor History, vol. 64, iss. 3, pp. 304-320, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, gender, germany, military, soviet union, war

Lambrecht, Thjis; Whittle, Jane (Ed.)

Labour Laws in Preindustrial Europe: The Coercion and Regulation of Wage Labour, c.1350-1850 Collection


Abstract | Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, early modern history, labour markets, longue duree, medieval history, service, wage labour, western europe, work contracts, working conditions, working time

Uppenberg, Carolina

Contracted Coercion: Land, Labour and Gender in the Swedish Crofter Institution Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 48, iss. 5, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, early modern history, europe, gender, household, scandinavia, service, sweden

Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm

Contested Households: Lodgers, Labour, and the Law in Rural Iceland in the Early 19th Century Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 48, iss. 5, pp. 572-592, 2023.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, agrarian labour and rural history, europe, household, iceland, labour law, scandinavia, service

Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm

Introduction: Moving Workers in History Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: global labour history, migration and mobility

Marcon, Gabriele

Inveigled or Invited? The Migration of German Miners to the Medici Mines in Sixteenth-Century Tuscany Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: early modern history, europe, italy, migration and mobility, mining

Heinsen, Johan

Escape and Reform in the Early-Modern Danish Prison System Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: convict labour, denmark, early modern history, europe, migration and mobility, punishment, runaways, scandinavia

Ressel, Magnus

Accounting Practices and the Transatlantic Slave Trade: The Business Prospectus of an Eighteenth-Century European Slave Trader Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: atlantic, business history, early modern history, slavery

Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm; Gunnlaugsson, Emil

Passports, Permits, and Labour Im/Mobility in Iceland, 1780s‒1860s Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: 19th century, early modern history, europe, iceland, labour law, migration and mobility, scandinavia

Özbek, Müge Telci

Keeping Domestic Workers Dependent in Early Twentieth-Century Istanbul Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: 20th century, dependency, domestic service, migration and mobility, turkey

Rahi-Tamm, Aigi

Lives between Forced Labour Measures: The Case of Kulaks Deported from Estonia, 1940‒1960 Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: baltic states, deportation, estonia, europe, forced labour, migration and mobility

Bernardi, Claudia

Empalmado y Contratado: The Valorisation and Coexistence of Labour Mobility and Immobilisation in the Experience of Mexican ‘Braceros’, 1940s–1960s Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: 20th century, braceros, mexico, migration and mobility, united states

Kussy, Angela

From Peasants in Romania to the Global Care Class in Spain, 1949–2019 Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: 20th century, care, contemporary, gender, romania, spain

Nail, Thomas

Afterword: Coercion and Historical Patterns of Motion Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: migration and mobility


Batista, Anamarija

Referenzierung der jugoslawischen Architektur in zeitgenössischen Praxen und ihre Bedeutung für die Verhandlung des Phänomens Luxus Book Chapter Forthcoming

In: Viderman, Tihomir (Ed.): Unsettled – Urban routines, temporalities and contestations , Forthcoming.

Abstract | Tags: architecture, contemporary, socialism, yugoslavia

Grubački, Isidora

Women Activists’ Relation to Peasant Women’s Work in the 1930s Yugoslavia Book Chapter

In: Betti, Eloisa; Papastefanaki, Leda; Tolomelli, Marica; Zimmermann, Susan (Ed.): Women, Work and Agency. Chapters of an Inclusive History of Labor in the Long Twentieth Century, 2022.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, feminism, gender, labour movements, socialism, yugoslavia

Akdemir, Ayşegül

“Put me on to a male agent”: Emotional labour and gender in call centres. Journal Article

In: Current Sociology, Online First, 2022.

Abstract | Tags: emotional labour, gender, qualitative research, sociology, turkey

Bänziger, Peter-Paul

The Co-Production of Labor Markets and Nation States, c. 1850-2000 Book Chapter

In: Mense, Ursula; Welskopp, Thomas; Zaharieva, Anna (Ed.): In Search of the Global Labor Market, 2022.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, economic development, globalisation, labour markets, nation state

Perreaux, Nicolas

Les lieux de stockage dans les textes diplomatiques (VIIe-XIIIe siècles): Enquête lexicale, sémantique et numérique Book Chapter

In: Schneider, Laurent; Lauwers, Michel (Ed.): Mises en réserve: Production, accumulation et redistribution des céréales dans l‘Occident médiéval et moderne., 2022.

Abstract | Tags: economic development, europe, medieval history, spatial history

Vito, Christian De; Müller, Viola (Ed.)

Punishing the Enslaved: Slavery, Labor, and Punitive Practices in the Americas, 1760s–1880s Collection


Tags: 19th century, convict labour, latin america, punishment, slavery, united states

Vito, Christian De

Paternalist Punishment. Slaves, Masters and the State in the Audiencia de Quito and Ecuador, 1730s–1851 Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Slavery, vol. 7, iss. 1-2, pp. 48-72, 2022.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, colonialism, early modern history, latin america, punishment, slavery

Müller, Viola

“Employed at the Works of the City”. The Punishment of Runaway Slaves in the Antebellum US South Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Slavery, vol. 7, iss. 1-2, pp. 153-176, 2022.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, punishment, runaways, slavery, united states

Papastefanaki, Leda; Kabadayı, M. Erdem (Ed.)

Working in Greece and Turkey: A Comparative Labour History from Empires to Nation States, 1840–1940 Collection


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, global labour history, greece, nation state, ottoman empire, turkey

Müller, Viola

Escape to the City. Fugitive Slaves in the Antebellum Urban South Book


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, migration and mobility, race, runaways, slavery, united states, urbanity

Chevaleyre, Claude

Beyond Maritime Asia. Ideology, Historiography, and Prospects for a Global History of Slavery in Early-Modern Asia Book Chapter

In: Kate Ekama,; Hellman, Lisa; van Rossum, Matthias (Ed.): In Slavery and Bondage in Asia, 1550-1850, 2022.

Tags: china, early modern history, global labour history, slavery

Chevaleyre, Claude

Domestic Law and Slavery in Late Imperial China. Glimpses from Lineage Registers Journal Article

In: Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies , vol. 81, iss. 1-2, pp. 39-65 , 2022.

Abstract | Tags: bonded labour, china, dependency, slavery

Chevaleyre, Claude

Insiders by Analogy: Slaves in the Great Ming Code Journal Article

In: Slavery & Abolition, vol. 43, iss. 3, pp. 460-481 , 2022.

Abstract | Tags: china, early modern history, global labour history, slavery


Greenfield-Liebst, Michelle

Labour and Christianity in the Missions: African Workers in Tanganyika and Zanzibar, 1864-1926. Book


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, africa, christianity, religion, slavery, Tanganjika, Zanzibar

Perreaux, Nicolas

Des «seigneuries» laïques aux territoires ecclésiaux? Dynamique du processus de spatialisation dans les actes diplomatiques numérisés (VIIe-XIIIe siècles) Book Chapter

In: Martine, Tristan; Schneider, Jens (Ed.): Espaces ecclésiastiques et seigneuries laïques: Définitions, modèles et conflits en zones d’interface (IXe-XIIIe siècle), 2021.

Abstract | Tags: europe, medieval history, spatial history

Perreaux, Nicolas

Œuvrer, servir, souffrir. A propos de quelques termes médiolatins Book Chapter

In: Lauwers, Michel (Ed.): Labeur et production au sein des monastères de l‘Occident médiéval, 2021.

Abstract | Tags: historical semantics, medieval history

Heinsen, Johan

Historicizing Extramural Convict Labour: Trajectories and Transitions in Early Modern Europe Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History , vol. 66, iss. 1, pp. 111-133, 2021.

Abstract | Tags: convict labour, early modern history, europe, punishment

Chevaleyre, Claude

Human Trafficking in Late Imperial China Book Chapter

In: Allen, Richard B. (Ed.): Slavery and Bonded Labor in Asia, 1250-1900, pp. 150-177, 2021.

Tags: china, forced labour, human trafficking

van Rossum, Matthias; Geelen, Alexander; van den Hout, Bram; Tosun, Merve (Ed.)

Testimonies of Enslavement: Sources on Slavery from the Indian Ocean World Collection


Abstract | Tags: early modern history, indian ocean, slavery

Weber, Klaus

Debatten um Sklaverei und Lohnarbeit im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert: Vom Zwang zur Arbeit zum Recht auf Faulheit [Debates around Slavery and Wage Labour in the 18th and 19th Century: From the compulsion to work to the right to laziness] Book Chapter

In: Windus, Astrid (Ed.): Arbeit – Macht – Kapital, pp. 51-60, 2021.

Tags: 19th century, early modern history, slavery, wage labour

Weber, Klaus

Germany and the Early Modern Atlantic World: Economic Involvement and Historiography Book Chapter

In: von Mallinckrodt, Rebekka; Köstlbauer, Josef; Lentz, Sarah (Ed.): Beyond Exceptionalism Traces of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Germany, 1650-1850, 2021.

Tags: atlanic, early modern history, germany, historiography, slavery

Østhus, Hanne; Toplak, Matthias S. (Ed.)

Viking Age Slavery Collection


Abstract | Tags: medieval history, scandinavia, slavery

Heinsen, Johan

Penal Slavery in Early Modern Scandinavia Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Slavery, vol. 6, iss. 3, pp. 343–368, 2021.

Abstract | Tags: convict labour, early modern history, global labour history, punishment, scandinavia, slavery

Barker, Hannah

The Risk of Birth. Life Insurance for Enslaved Pregnant Women in Fifteenth-Century Genoa Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Slavery, vol. 6, iss. 2, pp. 187–217, 2021.

Abstract | Tags: gender, italy, medieval history, slavery

Sarti, Raffaella

From Slaves and Servants to Citizens? Regulating Dependency, Race, and Gender in Revolutionary France and the French West Indies Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History , vol. 67, iss. 1, pp. 65-95, 2021.

Abstract | Tags: abolition, colonialism, dependency, france, gender, race, revolt and revolution, service, slavery


Ågren, Maria

Service, help and delegation: What vaguely described work can tell us about labour relations in the past Book Chapter

In: Bischoff, Jeannine (Ed.): Beyond Slavery and Freedom: Bonn Centre for Slavery and Dependence Studies Publications, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: dependency, early modern history, historical semantics, new history of work, service, sweden

Bänziger, Peter-Paul

Die Moderne als Erlebnis. Eine Geschichte der Konsum- und Arbeitsgesellschaft, ca. 1840-1940 Book


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, consumption history, germany, history of everyday life, modernity

de Barros, Maria Filomena Lopes

Cumprir Marrocos em Portugal: a comunidade mourisca de Setúbal no século XVI [Fulfilling Morocco in Portugal: the Moorish community of Setúbal in the 16th century] Journal Article

In: 2020.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, muslims, portugal, slavery

Gluchman, Vasil

Slovak Marxist-Leninist Philosophy on Work: Experience of the Second Half of the 20th Century Journal Article

In: Studies in East European Thought, vol. 72, iss. 1, pp. 43-58, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, marxism, philosophy, slovakia, socialism

Hackett, Sarah

Britain’s Rural Muslims: Rethinking Integration. Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, agrarian labour and rural history, contemporary, migration and mobility, muslims, oral history, qualitative research, united kingdom

Kaarsholm, Preben

From Abolition of the Slave Trade to Protection of Immigrants: Danish Colonialism, German Missionaries, and the Development of Ideas of Humanitarian Governance from the Early Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Century Journal Article

In: Atlantic Studies, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 348-374, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, abolition, atlanic, bonded labour, denmark, early modern history, humanitarianism, indian ocean, slavery

Papastefanaki, Leda; Kabadayı, Erdem M. (Ed.)

Working in Greece and Turkey: A Comparative Labour History from Empires to Nation States, 1840–1940 Bachelor Thesis


Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, global labour history, greece, ottoman empire, turkey

Barragán, Rossana Romano; Papastefanaki, Leda

Women and Gender in the Mines: Challenging Masculinity Through History: An Introduction Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History , vol. 65, iss. 2, pp. 191-231, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: gender, global labour history, mining

Papastefanaki, Leda

Family, Gender, and Labour in the Greek Mines, 1860–1940 Journal Article

In: International Review of Social History , vol. 65, iss. 2, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, 20th century, gender, greece, mining

Piqueras, José Antonio

The End of the legal Slave Trade in Cuba and the Second Slavery Book Chapter

In: Tomich, Dale (Ed.): Atlantic transformations: Politics, Economy, and the Second Slavery, pp. 79-103, 2020.

Tags: 19th century, abolition, atlanic, caribbean, latin america, slavery

Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes; Reinfandt, Lucian; Stouraitis, Yannis (Ed.)

Migration Histories of the Medieval Afroeurasian Transition Zone. Aspects of mobility between Africa, Asia and Europe, 300-1500 C.E Collection


Abstract | Tags: ancient history, medieval history, migration and mobility, slavery

Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes

Migration Book Chapter

In: Hermans, Erik (Ed.): A Companion to the Global Early Middle Ages, pp. 477-510, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: medieval history, migration and mobility

Prisac, Lidia; Gumenâi, Ion

Between Separation an Unity in the Context of the Great Union. Armenians from Bessarabia Book Chapter

In: Bolovan, Ioan; Tămaș, Oana Mihaela (Ed.): World War I and the Birth of a New World Order: The End of an Era, pp. 184-203, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe

da Silva, Filipa Ribeiro; Carvalhal, Hélder

Reconsidering the Southern European Model: Marital Status, Women’s work and labour relations in mid-eighteenth century Portugal Journal Article

In: Revista de Historia Económica. Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History, vol. 38, iss. 1, pp. 45–77, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, economic development, gender, portugal

Ruoss, Matthias; Ludi, Regula

Die Großmütter und wir: Freiwilligkeit, Feminismus und Geschlechterarrangements in der Schweiz Journal Article

In: L’Homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, vol. 31, iss. 1, pp. 87-104, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, feminism, gender, switzerland, voluntarism

Schiel, Juliane; Vito, Christian De; van Rossum, Matthias

From Bondage to Precariousness? New Perspectives on Labor and Social History Journal Article

In: Journal of Social History, vol. 54, iss. 2, pp. 1-19, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: dependency, global labour history, historical semantics, methodology, new history of work

Seppel, Marten

The Semiotics of Serfdom: How serfdom was perceived in the Swedish conglomerate state, 1561–1806 Journal Article

In: Scandinavian Journal of History, vol. 45, iss. 1, pp. 48-70, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: early modern history, scandinavia, serfdom, sweden

Siefert, Marsha (Ed.)

Labor in State-Socialist Europe, 1945-1989: Contributions to a History of Work Collection


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, socialism

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