WG 4 (Intersecting Marginalities) invites all members of the network to four workshops during spring and early summer of 2021.

Friday 23 April, 15:00-16:30 (UTC+2(=CEST)): Judith Spicksley will present the concept of dominion in Hobbes’ Leviathan, as it relates to women, children and slaves.

Tuesday 11 May, 13:30-15:00 (UTC+2(=CEST)): Teresa Petrik will lead a discussion of readings on labour, coercion and intersectionality.

Tuesday 1 June, 13:00-14:30 pm (UTC+2(=CEST)):: Josef Köstlbauer will present his research to us, particularly focusing on categories and practices of coercion he has identified in a selected source.

Tuesday 22 June, 13:30-15:00 (UTC+2(=CEST)): We will continue our discussion of readings on labour, coercion and intersectionality, led by Teresa Petrik.

For more information, access to source material and readings, as well as zoom links to the meetings, please register on our website or, if you are already a WORCK member who has not yet participated in WG 4, contact Hanne Østhus (osthushanne@gmail.com).