WORCK’s Think Tank invites you to participate in the After WORCK Drinks.
This monthly jour fixe is dedicated to discussions of “What is coercion?” and “What comes after WORCK?”
The overarching goal of these informal After WORCK Drinks is to link our work across the confines of the working groups, and to collectively reach an understanding of what “coercion” means. We aim to conceptually move towards our final conference as well as to develop strategies for the network after the end of the grant period in 2023. The agenda is flexible, can include readings, presentations, leading questions, and other forms of input, and will be set by WORCK members on a voluntary basis.
- 11 October, 5-6pm (UTC+2(=CEST)). This time, Claudia Bernardi, Müge Özbek, and Amal Shahid will join us to discuss the upcoming joint publication of WG 2 and WG3, “Making Trajectories and Sites of Labor Im/Mobility”.
- 8 November, 5-6pm (UTC+1(=CET)): Anamarija Batista and Viola Müller will talk with us about their forthcoming book (edited together with Corinna Peres): “Coercion and Wage Labour: Exploring Work Relations through History and Art”
- 6 December, 5-6pm (UTC+1(=CET)): Topic to be announced
If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail to viola.mueller@uni-bonn.de so that we can send you the relevant readings.
Join the Meeting here:
Meeting ID: 643 5288 8711
Passcode: 701930
If you would like to suggest a topic for the After WORCK Drinks or host a session, you are invited to reach out to Think Tank coordinator Viola Müller (viola.mueller@uni-bonn.de).