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Weber, Klaus

Germany and the Early Modern Atlantic World: Economic Involvement and Historiography Book Chapter

In: von Mallinckrodt, Rebekka; Köstlbauer, Josef; Lentz, Sarah (Ed.): Beyond Exceptionalism Traces of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Germany, 1650-1850, 2021.



Kaarsholm, Preben

From Abolition of the Slave Trade to Protection of Immigrants: Danish Colonialism, German Missionaries, and the Development of Ideas of Humanitarian Governance from the Early Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Century Journal Article

In: Atlantic Studies, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 348-374, 2020.

Abstract | BibTeX


Piqueras, José Antonio

The End of the legal Slave Trade in Cuba and the Second Slavery Book Chapter

In: Tomich, Dale (Ed.): Atlantic transformations: Politics, Economy, and the Second Slavery, pp. 79-103, 2020.



Rydén, Göran; Evans, Chris

Stocktaking at Christiansborg: Metals and Slaves in the Danish Atlantic Trade at the Mid-Eighteenth Century Book Chapter

In: Weiss, Holger (Ed.): Locating the Global. Spaces, Networks and Interactions from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century, pp. 117-146, 2020.



Evans, Chris; Rydén, Göran

‘Voyage Iron’: An Atlantic Slave Trade Currency, its European Origins, and West African Impact Journal Article

In: Past & Present, vol. 239, iss. 1, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX


Heinsen, Johan

Mutiny in the Danish Atlantic World: Convicts, Sailors and a Dissonant Empire Book


Abstract | BibTeX


Weber, Klaus; Steffen, Anka

Spinning and Weaving for the Slave Trade: Proto-industry in Eighteenth-Century Silesia Book Chapter

In: Brahm, Felix; Rosenhaft, Eve (Ed.): Slavery Hinterland: Transatlantic Slavery and Continental Europe, 1680-1850, pp. 87-107, 2016.



Spicksley, Judith

Contested enslavement: the Portuguese in Angola and the problem of debt, c. 1600-1800 Journal Article

In: Itinerario , vol. 39, iss. 2, pp. 247-275, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX


Weber, Klaus

Mitteleuropa und der transatlantische Sklavenhandel: eine lange Geschichte [Central Europe and the trans-atlantic slave trade: a long (hi)story] Journal Article

In: WerkstattGeschichte, iss. 66-67, pp. 7-30, 2015.



Weber, Klaus

Linen, Silver, Slaves, and Coffee: A Spatial Approach to Central Europe’s Entanglements with the Atlantic Eco­nomy Journal Article

In: Culture & History Digital Journal, vol. 4, iss. 2, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX

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Weber, Klaus

Germany and the Early Modern Atlantic World: Economic Involvement and Historiography Book Chapter

In: von Mallinckrodt, Rebekka; Köstlbauer, Josef; Lentz, Sarah (Ed.): Beyond Exceptionalism Traces of Slavery and the Slave Trade in Early Modern Germany, 1650-1850, 2021.

Tags: atlanic, early modern history, germany, historiography, slavery


Kaarsholm, Preben

From Abolition of the Slave Trade to Protection of Immigrants: Danish Colonialism, German Missionaries, and the Development of Ideas of Humanitarian Governance from the Early Eighteenth to the Nineteenth Century Journal Article

In: Atlantic Studies, vol. 17, iss. 3, pp. 348-374, 2020.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, abolition, atlanic, bonded labour, denmark, early modern history, humanitarianism, indian ocean, slavery

Piqueras, José Antonio

The End of the legal Slave Trade in Cuba and the Second Slavery Book Chapter

In: Tomich, Dale (Ed.): Atlantic transformations: Politics, Economy, and the Second Slavery, pp. 79-103, 2020.

Tags: 19th century, abolition, atlanic, caribbean, latin america, slavery

Rydén, Göran; Evans, Chris

Stocktaking at Christiansborg: Metals and Slaves in the Danish Atlantic Trade at the Mid-Eighteenth Century Book Chapter

In: Weiss, Holger (Ed.): Locating the Global. Spaces, Networks and Interactions from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century, pp. 117-146, 2020.

Tags: atlanic, denmark, early modern history, scandinavia, slavery


Evans, Chris; Rydén, Göran

‘Voyage Iron’: An Atlantic Slave Trade Currency, its European Origins, and West African Impact Journal Article

In: Past & Present, vol. 239, iss. 1, 2018.

Abstract | Tags: 19th century, africa, atlanic, commodity chains, early modern history, slavery, sweden


Heinsen, Johan

Mutiny in the Danish Atlantic World: Convicts, Sailors and a Dissonant Empire Book


Abstract | Tags: atlanic, convict labour, denmark, scandinavia


Weber, Klaus; Steffen, Anka

Spinning and Weaving for the Slave Trade: Proto-industry in Eighteenth-Century Silesia Book Chapter

In: Brahm, Felix; Rosenhaft, Eve (Ed.): Slavery Hinterland: Transatlantic Slavery and Continental Europe, 1680-1850, pp. 87-107, 2016.

Tags: atlanic, early modern history, germany, proto-industry, slavery, textile industry


Spicksley, Judith

Contested enslavement: the Portuguese in Angola and the problem of debt, c. 1600-1800 Journal Article

In: Itinerario , vol. 39, iss. 2, pp. 247-275, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: africa, angola, atlanic, debt, early modern history, slavery

Weber, Klaus

Mitteleuropa und der transatlantische Sklavenhandel: eine lange Geschichte [Central Europe and the trans-atlantic slave trade: a long (hi)story] Journal Article

In: WerkstattGeschichte, iss. 66-67, pp. 7-30, 2015.

Tags: atlanic, central and eastern europe, slavery

Weber, Klaus

Linen, Silver, Slaves, and Coffee: A Spatial Approach to Central Europe’s Entanglements with the Atlantic Eco­nomy Journal Article

In: Culture & History Digital Journal, vol. 4, iss. 2, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: atlanic, central and eastern europe, commodity chains, slavery, spatial history, textile industry