Working Group 3: (Im)Mobilisations of the Workforce

Working Group Coordinators
WG Leader: Vilhelm Vilhelmsson (Skagaströnd, Iceland)
WG Co-Leaders: Biljana Stojic (Belgrade, Serbia), Müge Telci Özbek (Istanbul, Turkey)
At the same time, processes of immobilisation (e.g. the serf bound to the soil or the convict confined to a prison, camp or remote penal colony) are equally crucial for understanding the “logic of deployment” (J. Banaji) of the workforce by the employer.
Processes and experiences of displacement have become major concerns within the specific historiographies of many systems of coercion in recent decades, but such efforts have only sporadically crossed paths. A notable exception has been the scholarship on convict transportation and comparative studies of runaways, where several attempts at systematic comparison of different types of workers have been made recently – though still primarily confined to West European maritime empires in the early modern period.
WG 3 expands the scope of these efforts to write new histories of workers’ (im)mobilisation.
Recent Activities
- Publication: “Exploring Labor Coercion through Im/mobility and the Environment”, Special Issue of Labor History (Editors: Claudia Bernardi, Amal Shahid, Müge Telci Özbek), in Cooperation with WG2
- Publication: “Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities”, Collected Volume at De Gruyter (Editors: Claudia Bernardi, Viola F. Müller, Biljana Stojic, Vilhelm Vilhelmsson)
- Seminar on “(Im)Mobilisations of the Workforce” at the WORCK Training School (Warsaw, Poland, 24 May 2022)
- Online Working Group Meeting (27 October 2021)
- Lecture by Janine Dahinden at the WORCK Conference 2: “From a ‘mobility lens’ towards the concept of entangled mobilities”