
Would you like to join the COST Action?

Please consult the COST website: If you would like to become an Action Participant, fill in the registration form below and tell us about your research and how you would like to contribute.

Do you have an administrative question?

Before getting in touch, please review the Annotated Rules (containing general information about the COST programme) and the Memorandum of Understanding (containing information about this Action).

Action participants with questions regarding administrative e-Cost matters should contact the Grant Holder Manager, Laura Šukarov-Eischer, at
If you have questions about the website, mailing lists or slack channels, please contact our student assistant Teresa Petrik at

For specific inquiries regarding the application for ITC Grants, Dissemination Conference Grants or Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs), please contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator Clara Almagro Vidal via or

For questions about Virtual Mobility Grants, please contact Johan Heinsen at


Do you have a suggestion to make?

Action participants who would like to make a suggestion or share a concern should contact the Action Chair Juliane Schiel and Vice-Chair Johan Lund Heinsen at

Are you a journalist?

Media representatives who would like to learn more about the COST Action and its public outreach activites are invited to visit our twitter account or contact the Science and Communication Officer Anamarija Batista at

New user registration

New User Registration

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