Why publishing in English can be the best choice: Experiences of a gender history scholar from Central and Eastern Europe
Polish By Natalia Jarska (Institute of History, Polish Academy of Science, Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University in Brno) As I am writing this blog entry, I recall the recent statements by the Polish Minister of Education and Science about publishing [...]
Blog Series #2: Narrowing the horizon. The ambivalent effects of European research funding on academic work.
German Spanish French Polish Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Edited by Peter-Paul Bänziger, Universität Basel The European research funding, as it is provided not least with the COST Actions, undoubtedly has its positive sides. Not least, it supports cooperation beyond linguistic [...]
Blog Series #3: Convict Labour: Right or Duty? Coercion and Labour Regimes for Prisoners in the 21st Century
In many countries, one way for prisoners to improve their situation in prison is to get a job. Convict labour, however, is often regulated in an ambiguous way. On the one hand, even in the countries where work is considered a right, it is [...]
Burdens of the Search for Profit. Looking Beyond the “Corporate Regulations” of the RMG Industry in Bangladesh
The Accord on Fire and Building Safety – popularly known as the Accord – passed on the responsibility to ensure safe workplaces for Ready-made Garment (RMG) workers to a newly formed RMG Sustainability Council (RSC) on 31 May. The Accord left after operating for [...]
Home Work, not “Home Office”. Academic Labor in and after the State of Emergency
Against the background of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, changes in the working world have become widely discussed. The debate centers on care and nursing work, employees in retail and logistics, voluntary work, precarization and educational inequality, and, last but not least, the compulsion to work [...]
Unconditional Basic Income and the Dream of a Life Free of Coercions
Unconditional Basic Income is often mentioned as a means to resolve at least part of the income problems for a significant number of people during the COVID-lockdown. There are manifold proposals, including the temporary introduction of an UBI scheme for all or part of [...]