
WORCK organises two to three main events per year. In spring, all working groups come together for a three-day WORCK Meeting. The focus of these spring meetings lies in conceptual work and methodological exchange within and between the working groups. The first day, all working groups have 90 minutes to present the actual state of discussion and collaborative planning to the other working groups, while on the second day, each working group will meet separately to further develop the conceptual framework of the collaborative work, plan activities (i.e. additional meetings, conference sessions, etc.) and discuss outputs (i.e. special issues, methodological articles or public outreach activities etc.). The third day ends with a Think Tank exchange between all working groups and a public outreach activity.

In autumn, a five-day WORCK Conference brings together the Action Participants with other scholars and the broader public. After an internal meeting of the working groups where they can work on their collaborative projects and publications and an open Think Tank exchange (days 1-2), the Action Participants meet for an international conference on a crosscutting topic of the COST Action (days 3-5). The conceptual approach and structure of these annual conferences is developed by the Core Group and approved by the Management Committee. It combines presentations of invited speakers and paper presentations based on an open call.

In addition to these two yearly events, WORCK organises a five-day WORCK Training School for MA and PhD students in spring 2022 and summer 2023.