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Kussy, Angela

From Peasants in Romania to the Global Care Class in Spain, 1949–2019 Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.



Egry, Gábor; Barna, Ábrahám (Ed.)

Összeomlás uralomváltás, nemzetállam-építés, 1918-1925 [Collapse, change of government, nation-state building]. Collection


Abstract | BibTeX


Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Rumänien [Economic and Social Policy in Romania] Book Chapter

In: Backes, Uwe; Heydemann, Günther; Vollnhals, Clemens (Ed.): Staatssozialismen im Vergleich: Staatspartei – Sozialpolitik – Opposition, pp. 327-346, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX


Achim, Viorel

The Gypsies in the Romanian Lands during the Middle Ages: Slavery Book Chapter

In: Damian Alan Pargas, Felicia Roşu (Ed.): Critical Readings on Global Slavery., vol. 4, pp. 983-1043, 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX


Dobrincu, Dorin; Aioanei, Alexandru-Dumitru; Lisnic, Dumitru; Lăcătușu, Dumitru (Ed.)

Colectivizarea agriculturii din România: inginerie socială, violență politică, reacția țărănimii Collection




Egry, Gábor

Unholy Alliances? Language Exams, Loyalty, and Identification in Interwar Romania Journal Article

In: Slavic Review, vol. 76, iss. 4, pp. 959-982, 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX


Achim, Viorel

Munca forţată în Transnistria: “Organizarea muncii” evreilor şi romilor, decembrie 1942 – martie 1944 [The Forced Labour in Transnistria: The “Labour Organization” for Jews and Roma, December 1942-March 1944] Book


Abstract | BibTeX


Achim, Viorel

The Forced Labour of the Gypsies in Transnistria: The Regulation of December 1942 and the Reality on the Ground Book Chapter

In: Historical Yearbook XI-XII, pp. 209-224, 2015.

Abstract | BibTeX


Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Grigore Trancu-Iaşi şi “protecţia muncii naţionale”: Politica socială interbelică între naţionalism şi combaterea şomajului [Grigore Trancu-Iaşi and the “protection of national labor”: Interwar social policy between nationalism and the fight against unemployment] Journal Article

In: Transilvania , vol. 10-11, pp. 64-72, 2014.

Abstract | BibTeX


Tărîță, Marius

Deportations and Forced Labour: Forms of Remembering in the Villages of Arboreny, Boian and Mahala (Chernivtsy Region, Ukraine) Journal Article

In: Interstitio: East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology, no. 1-2, pp. 126-135, 2012.

Abstract | BibTeX


Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Comitetul oamenilor muncii [Workers’ committe] Journal Article

In: Arhivele Totalitarismului, vol. 1-2, pp. 221-227, 2009.

Abstract | BibTeX

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Kussy, Angela

From Peasants in Romania to the Global Care Class in Spain, 1949–2019 Book Chapter

In: Bernardi, Claudia; Müller, Viola; Stojić, Biljana; Vilhelmsson, Vilhelm (Ed.): Moving Workers: Historical Perspectives on Labour, Coercion and Im/Mobilities, 2023.

Tags: 20th century, care, contemporary, gender, romania, spain


Egry, Gábor; Barna, Ábrahám (Ed.)

Összeomlás uralomváltás, nemzetállam-építés, 1918-1925 [Collapse, change of government, nation-state building]. Collection


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, hungary, nation state, romania

Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Rumänien [Economic and Social Policy in Romania] Book Chapter

In: Backes, Uwe; Heydemann, Günther; Vollnhals, Clemens (Ed.): Staatssozialismen im Vergleich: Staatspartei – Sozialpolitik – Opposition, pp. 327-346, 2019.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, romania, socialism


Achim, Viorel

The Gypsies in the Romanian Lands during the Middle Ages: Slavery Book Chapter

In: Damian Alan Pargas, Felicia Roşu (Ed.): Critical Readings on Global Slavery., vol. 4, pp. 983-1043, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: central and eastern europe, medieval history, roma, romania, slavery

Dobrincu, Dorin; Aioanei, Alexandru-Dumitru; Lisnic, Dumitru; Lăcătușu, Dumitru (Ed.)

Colectivizarea agriculturii din România: inginerie socială, violență politică, reacția țărănimii Collection


Tags: agrarian labour and rural history, central and eastern europe, romania

Egry, Gábor

Unholy Alliances? Language Exams, Loyalty, and Identification in Interwar Romania Journal Article

In: Slavic Review, vol. 76, iss. 4, pp. 959-982, 2017.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, nation state, romania


Achim, Viorel

Munca forţată în Transnistria: “Organizarea muncii” evreilor şi romilor, decembrie 1942 – martie 1944 [The Forced Labour in Transnistria: The “Labour Organization” for Jews and Roma, December 1942-March 1944] Book


Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, forced labour, jewish, roma, romania

Achim, Viorel

The Forced Labour of the Gypsies in Transnistria: The Regulation of December 1942 and the Reality on the Ground Book Chapter

In: Historical Yearbook XI-XII, pp. 209-224, 2015.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, fascism, forced labour, roma, romania


Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Grigore Trancu-Iaşi şi “protecţia muncii naţionale”: Politica socială interbelică între naţionalism şi combaterea şomajului [Grigore Trancu-Iaşi and the “protection of national labor”: Interwar social policy between nationalism and the fight against unemployment] Journal Article

In: Transilvania , vol. 10-11, pp. 64-72, 2014.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, labour markets, romania


Tărîță, Marius

Deportations and Forced Labour: Forms of Remembering in the Villages of Arboreny, Boian and Mahala (Chernivtsy Region, Ukraine) Journal Article

In: Interstitio: East European Review of Historical and Cultural Anthropology, no. 1-2, pp. 126-135, 2012.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, deportation, fascism, forced labour, romania, ukraine


Mironov, Alexandru-Murad

Comitetul oamenilor muncii [Workers’ committe] Journal Article

In: Arhivele Totalitarismului, vol. 1-2, pp. 221-227, 2009.

Abstract | Tags: 20th century, central and eastern europe, economic and social policy, romania, socialism